This is an experiment.....

Discussion in 'Sun City General Discussions' started by OneDayAtATime, Jul 26, 2022.


Is it too early to be thinking about the Annual Membership Meeting in November?

  1. Yes

    2 vote(s)
  2. No

    7 vote(s)
  3. Who cares

    0 vote(s)
  4. Tell me more

    1 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. OneDayAtATime

    OneDayAtATime Well-Known Member

    I just saw that there is a place on the thread where you can conduct a poll. Now I've got to see if it works. ;)

    I found it; now to see if it works!!

    One Day At A Time is me: Jean Totten :D
    suncityjack, eyesopen and FYI like this.
  2. eyesopen

    eyesopen Well-Known Member

    Polls are a great tool to find out what people are thinking!

    Won’t “Multiple votes are allowed,”skew the results?
  3. suncityjack

    suncityjack Active Member

    Would be good to place on NextDoor too....
    I've often wondered why RCSC doesn't conduct regular polls....
  4. eyesopen

    eyesopen Well-Known Member

    Yes, Jean, post a similar poll on the ND board group & General newsfeed. That will be an inclusive sampling of our diverse community.

    RCSC create a poll of the Membership? That would mean they actually care about what we think!!
    suncityjack likes this.
  5. OneDayAtATime

    OneDayAtATime Well-Known Member

    Yes, they would skew. I was just seeing how it works.
  6. OneDayAtATime

    OneDayAtATime Well-Known Member

    Hey scj, did you know that there is a "special" NextDoor just for those of us in the original Sun City? It's called We are Sun City! So much better than reading all the posts that have nothing to do with us. There was an excellent post yesterday that garnered lots of responses. One in particular said that we - those who are caring for Sun City and who speak up about issues - are spewing hate and discourse. She said she and her neighbors are just here to have fun. Unfortunate that so many feel this way.

    My only problem with ND is I'd only like to get notices from the We are SC one; not the one that has Glendale, Peoria, etc. But I have a friend who will tutor me, I'm sure. Try it out!
    eyesopen likes this.
  7. OneDayAtATime

    OneDayAtATime Well-Known Member

    I don't understand why people aren't trying out the poll. TOSC says it's had 89 viewers but only a handful have voted!?
  8. BPearson

    BPearson Well-Known Member

    I've been doing these types of websites for more than 20 years and the vast majority of readers do just that, read. They don't vote, they don't say anything, they just read. It's why i don't try and push readers to do more.
  9. eyesopen

    eyesopen Well-Known Member

    Thanks, ODAAT, for mentioning the Nextdoor We Are Sun City private group! Good luck with all the social media polling experimentation, good resource at a great price!

    Interested in a private Nextdoor group just for Sun City residents? No ads or for sale posts to sift through, no drama and no comments from people who don’t live in Sun City! Great NEWS! There is a We are Sun City group!! Please visit and request joining if you're interested.
  10. eyesopen

    eyesopen Well-Known Member

    Sadly, similar to getting RCSC Members to participate by attending board meetings, the Annual Membership meetings and voting in the Director elections.
  11. suncityjack

    suncityjack Active Member

    Was not aware of that. Thanks! When they first started NextDoor I had suggested they have a separate SC one or at according to our 3 phases but they said they have their own ways for drawing up the neighborhoods, which is too bad since we're in a unique situation being unincorporated and all....Will check out We Are Sun City. Thx.
    eyesopen likes this.

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