RCSC Buying Buildings

Discussion in 'Sun City General Discussions' started by John Fast, Apr 28, 2024.

  1. Might be time for John Fast to jump in with his expertise on LLCs and tax shelters in order to educate the people on the finer points of real estate deals.
    Janet Curry likes this.
  2. Bruce Alleman

    Bruce Alleman Member

    The parking monster may raise his head. In the current confuguration there are 60 spots in the rear and 10-12 in front. This will probablt limit the type occupancy.
    Janet Curry likes this.
  3. Happy Hippie

    Happy Hippie Active Member

    Just hope they get an accurate assessment of any structural damage first.
    Janet Curry likes this.
  4. John Fast

    John Fast Well-Known Member

    Until someone can make a convincing argument we need another building to maintain I am against this 100%.
  5. I wish we could buy the building if renovating would not be too costly. I live near this place, and the residents nearby are worried about something like a drug/alcohol rehab. center or something else unsavory coming in here. I talked to Banner real estate office about 8 years ago to see if they would want to buy the building. I thought something medical would of been a good option. They looked at the building but declined. I can envision a library, administrative and education center there.
    I am VERY concerned about neighborhood vulnerabilty for us over here.
    suncityjack, eyesopen and Janet Curry like this.
  6. eyesopen

    eyesopen Well-Known Member

    For those new to this topic and choose not to read the many posts on the first couple of pages of this discussion…others just scroll on by, no comment needed
    A little history about the RCSC’s potential property opportunity at Thunderbird and 111th. It’s included in this article about Emerald Isle Behavioral Health at 10702 W. Peoria Ave, Sun City.
    Treatment center draws ire of Sun City residents
    Location in community draws concerns

    By Rusty Bradshaw September 22, 2020 Sun City Independent (EXCERPT Further down in the article about Thunderbird & 111th property. Reference: December 3, 2019 & August 2020)

    City residents expressed opposition to a similar facility being established in another area of the community. More than 100 people turned out when owners of a former care center, 13818 N. 111th Ave., conducted a public meeting to discuss possible new tenants.
    Zoning attorneys Adam Baugh and AR Global representative Trent Taylor discussed the site’s future during the Dec. 3, 2019 meeting. A letter sent to residents in the property’s immediate vicinity also stated the owner had plans to create a behavioral health and treatment facility at the location.

    “Is it for seniors or all ages? Patients from outside of our community? What type of behavior problems?” Sharon Bartlett, a resident of Sun City Estates near the property, stated in an email prior to the Dec. 3 meeting.

    “Personally, I do not feel this type of facility belongs in a senior community.” (Property vacant after that.)

    Area residents again became concerned the weeks of Aug. 1-14 when they saw activity at the facility. But Sun City Fire Marshal Jim Fox said he visited the property when he noticed activity there. “It seems that there was an AC condensate line that leaked inside the building and wasn’t caught right away so there was 1-2 inches of water on the floor throughout the building,” he stated in an Aug. 17 email.

    “Of course the water was wicking up into the drywall.” Workers were drying it out with more than 300 fans, and cutting and replacing the drywall about 24 inches up on the walls throughout, Mr. Fox explained.

    Full story on Emerald Isle concerns SUBSCRIBER EXCLUSIVE:
    Last edited: May 7, 2024
    Janet Curry likes this.
  7. Happy Hippie

    Happy Hippie Active Member

    Thanks, you did post this article from 2020 before in a bit of a different contest. I think people would like to know the condition of the building now in 2024. Are there any reports on that other than Connie Jo Richtmyre, board member, touring the facility to recently to "gauge its feasibility". What is her background in building structure? A lot of damage can happen to a building that has been vacant for approximately 4 years, but the only real information we have is the 2020 article referencing Mr. Fox.
    Janet Curry likes this.
  8. John Fast

    John Fast Well-Known Member

    Dave, This is an are where I believe my specialized expertise is of minimal value. If common sense prevails RCSC would not walk away from this opportunity, they would run.
    Janet Curry likes this.
  9. John Fast

    John Fast Well-Known Member

    I will be speaking against this purchase at the member meeting.
    Janet Curry likes this.
  10. FYI

    FYI Well-Known Member

  11. Happy Hippie

    Happy Hippie Active Member

    Not sure what that even means, but I do remember how upset people were about Emerald Isle in 2020. Have not read or heard much since. Rusty wrote that article in 2020, not a subscriber so can't read it. You keep posting about water wicking up drywall and Fire Marshall Fox, but do you know the condition of the inside today? With the roof and pack rat issues we have here that building would be a perfect home for them, and those cute little creatures are extremely destructive. They love electrical wiring and insulation. Loved my hot tub beyond repair. So many questions, so few answers.[/QUOTE]
    Janet Curry likes this.
  12. 3GenSCAZ

    3GenSCAZ Member

    I think Ms McCarty's comment above says it all: "I live near this place, and the residents nearby are worried about something like a drug/alcohol rehab. center or something else unsavory coming in here. I talked to Banner real estate office about 8 years ago to see if they would want to buy the building. I thought something medical would have been a good option. They looked at the building but declined. I can envision a library, administrative and education center there.
    I am VERY concerned about neighborhood vulnerabilty for us over here."

    While we all know that the RCSC isn't the HOA, taking this property off the market would be good for the long term benefit of the community.
  13. Happy Hippie

    Happy Hippie Active Member

    And what would it do for us old timers that have paid annually, paid our PIF and have lived here for 25+ years? Those of us who will not be here in the long term? How much will we have to shell out? Will those of us low income people be able to absorb those costs? I know I can't. What happens to us?
    Janet Curry likes this.
  14. old and tired

    old and tired Active Member

    What happens to you? I guess it would be the same as anywhere else when a person can no longer afford to live there. They make changes or they move.

    There will always be people that can't afford or say they can't afford an increase. Do you honestly think things shouldn't be improved because some people won't be able to afford it?
    Janet Curry and eyesopen like this.
  15. Happy Hippie

    Happy Hippie Active Member

    Not when the issue is do we need it? What about the current buildings that need repair? What kind of shape is the building in? How much space is currently utilized in our current buildings? Past boards got us into this position. Just like the government, spend, spend, spend. RCSC can't print more money though.

    Why not work on cleaning up SC? Maybe spend some money so we have enough people to check violations. I reported a yard full of the invasive stink net weed. Tooks weeks to address. Someone sprayed something now there is a yard full of dead stink net. I just watched 3 people on my street bring prefab sheds onto their back yards. I see Pergolas all over the place. I would like one so why not?

    Someone said on the Union Hills thread "Sun City is looking more like the inner city these days." But hey, let's buy more buildings we can't afford. More pickle ball courts. (wonder how long that will be a trend) How many belong to PAC and how many attend? Do we need something like the Petrillo Music Shell?

    BTW it's not just me who feels this way.
    Last edited: May 10, 2024
    Janet Curry likes this.
  16. eyesopen

    eyesopen Well-Known Member

    From SCHOA website:
    The SCHOA Mission Statement
    To preserve Sun City property values through the fair and consistent application of the CC&Rs (Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions)

    Opportunities to Become Involved
    If you are interested in participating at the Sun City Home Owners Association (SCHOA), there are many ways to to do so.

    You can participate in Board Meetings and have your voice heard.

    The community is invited to attend monthly SCHOA Board of Directors meetings, to learn where you can be of service and share your talents. Meetings are held at the SCHOA office, the fourth Tuesday of every month, at 9:00 a.m. Committee Chairs report on the status of their respective committees and open discussions are welcomed pertaining to proposals and recommendations. The community is encouraged and invited to attend.

    You can participate as a potential Board member.
    Ideally, there should be twice as many candidates in any election as there are openings. That ratio gives the voting membership a choice among residents whose qualifications meet the current needs of the Board. SCHOA Board members are active participants in efforts to build on and maintain the strengths of the community while participating in the ongoing development and growth of the Sun City Home Owners Association.

    You can become a Sun City advocate.
    All residents are invited to visit the SCHOA office to share suggestions and concerns. As a Sun City advocate, you can help the home owners association protect Sun City and maintain property values for years to come. We need you to be our eyes and ears in the community.

    Opportunities to Join A Committee

    Any member of the Sun City Home Owners Association who would like to contribute to our community may join one of several committees serving Sun City and its residents. Each committee is chaired by a SCHOA Board Member.

    The purpose of our committees is to help promote the health and prosperity of Sun City and its residents by addressing the various on-going needs of the community. The current standing committees are:
    • Articles and Bylaws
    • Elections
    • Government Affairs
    • Membership
    • Roads and Safety
    SCHOA welcomes and invites your participation to actively invest in the Sun City Community!
    Janet Curry likes this.
  17. Tom Trepanier

    Tom Trepanier Well-Known Member

    Folks want to spend money on things before they even spend the money on the previously decided things. Let us see the 5-year plan, though I guess they are still adding some of the new wants. Save some of those for a 10-15 year plan. Get ‘em done! Soon please!
    Janet Curry and Happy Hippie like this.
  18. Happy Hippie

    Happy Hippie Active Member

    Do you enjoy serving on the HOA? Do you feel they are working towards getting things done? Being on the inside what areas do you feel are most in need?
    Janet Curry likes this.
  19. John Fast

    John Fast Well-Known Member

    I am not in favor of pursuing the purchase of this abandoned hospital and am quite sure it will be a money pit for RCSC. It is already a major distraction drawing resources away from developing a long-range plan we can be enthusiastic about. Buying abandoned buildings with water damage is always a very risky proposition and trying to repurpose a hospital into a recreation center adds immensely to the risk. Like most real estate deals the broker and seller want a quick cash sale and will use high pressure tactics to push the buyer. Even though it did not sell at auction, it is likely the sales pitch is it won't last long at this price! Come on - this property has been for sale forever and only bottom feeders showed up for the auction. Not even Banner Hospital, the most logical buyer is bidding on it. Please do not insult my intelligence by saying this is a great bargain!
    Janet Curry likes this.
  20. Happy Hippie

    Happy Hippie Active Member

    But, but new wall board 3 feet up. All kidding aside I worked for the CEO of Sun Health during the Banner acquisition. We could not use that word, it was a merger. Anyway I had to scan and load all related documents to a website and make sure they were in the right place and the right people had access. Saw a lot of info. There were pieces of Sun Health Banner did not want any part of. I was never a fan of Banner's upper management team, however I will say Peter Fine (the CEO) is a very sharp man. If the RCSC BOD thinks they are smarter than Banner Health's CEO, whose gross pay topped $25 million in 2017, they have some pretty big cojones.
    Last edited: May 10, 2024
    Janet Curry likes this.

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