It's Not Even About Golf Anymore?

Discussion in 'Sun City General Discussions' started by BPearson, Jun 30, 2022.

  1. BPearson

    BPearson Well-Known Member

    I got an email from a friend who is an early riser and told me my letter in fact made the paper. I'll address that shortly, but FYI raised an interesting point that will fit closely with what i sent to the newspaper. I happen to believe the "depreciation" argument is BS. If i'm wrong, simply post the worksheets that accompany the 990's and show us how the depreciation affected the numbers posted. There's a reason for organizations to show depreciation on their financials, they would have nothing to do with what they are sending to the IRS. In fact when i asked Dave Wieland about depreciation and golf he said it would have a completely different impact on the bottom line than what they are claiming.

    See, here's the point: If anything i am saying or writing is in error, i am more than happy to stand corrected. The problem is, i'm not willing to let you just say i'm wrong, prove i am wrong. Once we get to the Letter to the Editor in the Independent, you will see why i am saying this.

    I know, the argument will be, he's wrong. Am I? I get it, 100 million dollars is a lot of money. When folks says, the RCSC paid it, the reality is it only came from one place.
    OneDayAtATime and eyesopen like this.
  2. Larry

    Larry Well-Known Member

    Depreciation is a real expense. The period of time that is used is based on the type of asset and it’s life expectancy. It’s not a tax dodge, it’s a legitimate business expense. Likewise, major expenditures, like real property are listed on the balance sheet as assets and then depreciated over time. I think you are confusing the process.
  3. BPearson

    BPearson Well-Known Member

    I understand that Larry. I don't think it's a factor when determining the expense side of the 990's. There's a legitimate reason to list and depreciate expenditures over time, interestingly enough they never used to do that. Now they do, as they should. That said, simply show us the work sheets on the 990's. That will tell us whether there was 8 million dollars in real expenses in 2019 or if it was a number inflated by depreciation on a balance sheet.

    I know where my money lies and i would love for them to open the books and prove me wrong.
    eyesopen likes this.
  4. BPearson

    BPearson Well-Known Member

    With tomorrow's member/board exchange meeting looming, one has to wonder, will golfers show up? Sun City residents have been conditioned to just be happy with whatever management and the board wants to do. It's the new normal, it's the outcome of rewriting documents where members once had a voice and when they were unhappy, let board members know.

    Not so much these days. We're all supposed to be pleased with whatever direction they take us in. Golf is the classic example. Most people won't remember when Willow Creek and Willow Brook were on the books for updating. The PGA professional told us it didn't need it yet, not for 4 0r 5 more years. Some of the members who golfed there, didn't want it to happen. They started a petition drive to stop it and were quickly told they couldn't circulate it on RCSC properties. Think about that for a nano-second.

    Since the April member/board exchange, golf has become a hot button topic. We found out, prime time tee times were going to non-residents who were buying full play passes. In May, we found out they were not only buying those passes but also had access to our web portal for tee times; just like a member. Then we heard they could bypass the lottery by joining small groups of 30 or more, pay a small charge and be guaranteed those highly desired tee times, ahead of members entering the lottery.

    If that wasn't enough, a couple of board members started running the numbers. When buying a golf car for the $500 addition, they in fact could be guaranteed a golf car every time they showed up at the course. To add to the misery index, those same golfers could let another non-resident ride along with them and getting the golf car for a fraction of what a member could rent it for. Talk about a shit sandwich.

    By the June board meeting, we knew of these abuses. One board member put forward a motion to take the golf car out of equation. Sadly it was voted down. It made no sense; because we knew these outsiders were paying about $20 per round, we knew they were taking our tee times and we knew with the golf car included RCSC members at times couldn't even get a golf car. It was butt ugly, but management wanted it to continue.

    If you look at the financials from July of this year, you will see a couple of things that should shock you. Even with their $250 increase in the full play pass cost, they sold more passes in July of this year than last (which was a record year in outside pass sales). We also know through the first 7 months of the year, outside full play passes generated 8600 plus rounds of golf. That will put us on track to reach a record 12,000-13,000 rounds of golf played by outsiders with those passes.

    The bulk of those rounds played will be during the high season (Nov-April), which means the bulk of those tee times will come directly off the backs of prime time tee times members should be getting. I guess one could buy the argument it's only 30, 40 or 50 rounds per day, but in my book, that's shameful. Here's why; those courses belong to the member/owners. Not management and certainly not outsiders using then for less money than those of us living here.

    The icing on the cake is this: If you look at their (the boards) whiteboard of issues raised at the member/board exchange meeting you will read this as clear as day; "GOLF/COMPLETED."

    Linda McIntyre likes this.
  5. Linda McIntyre

    Linda McIntyre Well-Known Member

    It's unfortunate that so many golfers are snowbirds and won't be at Monday's exchange. I hope they watch the video!
    eyesopen likes this.
  6. BPearson

    BPearson Well-Known Member

    The video will get tons of views Linda. The community is interested and invested like we haven't seen in a very long time. I would encourage everyone attending or watching from home to listen closely to what is said and by whom. It will help you decide who should get your vote in the coming election and who should be kicked to the curb.
  7. pegmih

    pegmih Well-Known Member

    When will the video be available online?
  8. eyesopen

    eyesopen Well-Known Member

    Available now…tap the link, or in black box “Watch on YouTube “

  9. BPearson

    BPearson Well-Known Member

    My apologies to anyone that watches the video till the end. I got a touch hot about being lied to. I hate that more than all else. What is, is. Simply own it and accept the fact you are merrily giving our amenities away to non-members. Doesn't matter how you couch it, how you wrap it, when you let those living outside the walls enjoy what we have paid for for less money and equal or better ability to access it, you've failed in your duties. The RCSC exists to serve the membership, not some guy living in Glendale, Peoria or Surprise.

    Business decision my ample backside. It's utter and complete insanity.
    eyesopen likes this.
  10. Cheri Marchio

    Cheri Marchio Active Member

    Don't apologize for passion, Bill. It's just so disappointing that they cannot listen and hear the real issues. The management and Board have options to better serve members and they just cannot move off their talking points.
    FYI likes this.
  11. BPearson

    BPearson Well-Known Member

    Thanks Cheri. We've simply come to that point where they (management and board officers) can just do as they please. Members be damned. There should never be a point where an outsider can book tee times ahead of members. Today they told us, outsiders can join small groups of 30 or more and avoid even entering the lottery. Someone explain the logic of that to me.
  12. Linda McIntyre

    Linda McIntyre Well-Known Member

    I can't figure out any logic to that scenario - except they just don't give a crap about the people that have paid for all of these amenities, deserve prime times and the best rates!
  13. FYI

    FYI Well-Known Member

    This is why this years election of Board members is so important. They need to start working and listening to the Members again. The Member's may not always get it right but then you deal with that! But I think the Members have a better handle on what's happening because they experience it every day they go to a Club or play golf!. The Board and Management kinda lives in a bubble and unfortunately the white hats on the Board are currently in the minority.
    eyesopen and BPearson like this.
  14. Linda McIntyre

    Linda McIntyre Well-Known Member

    It's also why committes are so incredibly important. These members are often the most active participants, very vested in their particular areas of interest. Without committee involvement, RCSC is working in a vacuum. Committees are an important extension of the Board. Yes, the oversight and organization takes a lot of work, but it helps ensure that the Board and management team can see the big picture, set priorities, and make better decisions. RCSC requires more active advisory/technical participation from the membership. Operating without a living/breathing long range plan and/or a master plan, means we're just flying by the proverbial "seat of our pants." Money seems to be no object. RCSC has an annual budget that rivals some communities that are responsible for all municipal services with half the residents. It's time to be thinking strategically.
    eyesopen and FYI like this.
  15. eyesopen

    eyesopen Well-Known Member

    ICNBW Syndrome

    Most RCSC leaders and management staff believe they are always right, even when they are shown to be wrong. They have
    I-Can-Never-Be-Wrong” (ICNBW) syndrome.

    They are difficult people to work with, even if they try to work with the Membership.

    • Is there a cure for ICNBW syndrome? NO!
    • Is it contagious? YES!
    • What is the recommended treatment?
    Vote for Member focused new directors who will admit when they are wrong, learn more from their mistakes than their successes, refuse to accept failed or failing policies and will, “…do anything and everything lawfully necessary in the interest of the Members of the Corporation…”
    Linda McIntyre, jeb, FYI and 2 others like this.
  16. BPearson

    BPearson Well-Known Member

    Somebody help me out here. If i step on a Sun City golf course and play 18 holes anytime November 1 through the end of April to golf, i know my cost will be $35. Plus if i need a cart, i will have to rent it for $12. If i want to try and get a prime time tee time (typically early morning starts), i will have to put my name in the lottery to see if i can win a drawing to get the tee time i want and the course i want. That's how it works.

    Yesterday, we were told non members don't play for less money than members. I became a touch inflamed because that's simply not true. If they buy the full play pass, we know they are paying an average price of $20 per round and they are getting a golf car included. The argument from the general manager was but they are buying a pass. So the freaking what? They are still stepping on that same course and at the same time of year for a whole lot less money than i (or you) would be paying. Plus, those non-members have the same access as those of us who have built and paid for those courses; our courses if you will.

    But wait; it gets worse. Yesterday they confirmed what we expected to be true. Non-member full play pass purchasers also qualify to join small groups of 30, pay the $2 charge to bypass the lottery and be guaranteed the tee time of their choice. To add to the misery index, if they bought the pass that includes the golf car ($500), they are guaranteed a golf car as well. That means when i stop by my favorite course in-season, there may not even be a golf car available for me to rent for the $12 charge.

    It simply boggles my mind. The idea that non-residents are enjoying what we all paid for and doing it for a fraction of the cost we pay is insanity. There's never, NEVER been a time in our history where that was allowed by RCSC board members. Historically, the community and the members they elected to represent them have always understood their role.

    We are exactly where the previous general manager wanted us to be. As card holders we should pay our fees and let the management team do their jobs. Sadly, they think they are running a for-profit business, not a non-profit organization. I've had the tag line at the bottom of my writings on this site for a very long time. I added it years back, because it was Sun City's greatest strength, most admirable asset: Community before Corporation. We are in danger in losing that; i knew it was headed in that direction and we're now there.
    FYI and eyesopen like this.
  17. Say What

    Say What Active Member

    Question Bill❓

    How many people who have lived in Sun City for many many years that only ONE person is on the deed which means a spouse doesn't qualify to be a member unless they pay the $5000 or whatever it is now. There's many women who golf and many men who golf in this situation.
    When the snow birds get back all hell is going to break loose because of the things you don't understand in regards to golf here. There's many people here in this situation where a spouse never got put on the deed. You will here about this in November and understand what you are doing is actually penalizing residents who are golfers who have on member on the deed and a wife ends up paying more to golf even though they live in the same home and are both golfers. I see alot of new residents moving to Sun City who think they are entitled. That's not how it works. Bill, I will vote for you and you will have a better understanding of what you think you know and what you don't know. Sorry, that was too much typing for me at one sitting. God Bless!
  18. eyesopen

    eyesopen Well-Known Member

    At the end of the meeting a member makes a passionate comment about how two board members scowled when she tried to speak with them and why members do not trust the board. She urges the board to try to get along with the members. There is much applause.

    THEN, Dale Lehrer says, “ One last comment, this is to management and staff, this is to you. You need to run this like a business because if you don’t it’s going to cost THESE PEOPLE more money.” Great, just great Dale, way to get along and respect MEMBERS.
    FYI likes this.
  19. BPearson

    BPearson Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the blessing say what, but i honestly have no idea what you are talking about. There's not an option regarding the payment of lot assessments. In 2003, the board did away with single payments (rec fees) and created the lot assessment. That resulted in either a single person, or a couple on the deed paying the current $496. There's some long time residents still living in the house they were in before 2003 who are grandfathered, but if they moved, the RCSC screwed them over and flushed the grandfathering (i have proof of that btw on RCSC stationary) for anyone who doubts my word.

    My other area of concern is virtually everything i have written about golf the past 5 months has been regarding those living outside Sun City. In fact, my belief, based on all of my research has been golf needs to be subsidized. If i've been on a soap box, it's been regarding those living outside Sun City who have been taking prime time tee times from RCSC members. I know the bulk of the golfing community support what i am saying. The only ones angry are those who bring their friends in, buy the pass and golf with them. The worst part is, many of them are joining these groups of 30 or more and don't even enter the lottery.

    I don't claim to know everything, but as know as much or more than most. When i am wrong i will be happy to admit it but i need to see proof of it. Hope that clarifies.
  20. Say What

    Say What Active Member

    Let me try again here and tell me if I am wrong. If a husband comes down here and buys a house gets their member card and their wife is not on the deed because she did not accompany him because she was taking care of business in a different state, she is not entitled to have a member card but she will receive a privilege card even though she's married but her name is not on the deed. There are many many people who live in Sun City in that situation unless they have changed that rule which they haven't from what I've been told the higher costs are going to affect either the husband or the wife who are not on the deed for which they are not considered members. I hope this helps with your answer I can't type anymore thank you.

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