God Help America

Discussion in 'Sun City General Discussions' started by Happy Hippie, May 5, 2024.

  1. Happy Hippie

    Happy Hippie Active Member

  2. HH Sorry, but reading an article from The Heritage Foundation is right wing propaganda. They want you to believe the barbarians are at the gate when it is a bunch of kids. Read the 2025 Project paper is you want to see what conservatives really want if the Orange Idiot becomes president.

    If the current protests don’t remind you of 55 years ago, you are not paying attention. History does repeat itself and the current protests prove that. Do you really know what they are protesting? Have you actually listened to what they are saying? Probably not.
  3. FYI

    FYI Well-Known Member

    Well, I'm listening and what I hear is "From the river to the Sea." And if that's not telling you anything then YOU'RE the one not listening!

    So...Mr. Historian! Let's go back a little further than just 55 years. What the difference between the Hitler Youth and League of German Girls groups brainwashed by the Nazi's to kill the Jew's and these pro-Palestinian protesters who want to do the same?

    Just ask'n!
    Linduska, old and tired and turnkey26 like this.
  4. Happy Hippie

    Happy Hippie Active Member

    Have you heard the Soros interview where he said leading the Jews to the camps was just a job to him? (paraphrase). IMO Dave attacks just because he can and that is his MO in all aspects of his life.
    Last edited: May 6, 2024
  5. turnkey26

    turnkey26 Member

    Here is an interesting article that unpacks the pro Palestine / pro Hamas chants. I don't know if the author is Right or Left leaning politically but it does break down what I have been hearing.


    Here is a list of chants and slogans in the article:
    1. “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”
    2. “With our soul and our blood, we will redeem you, O Palestine”
    3. "Free Palestine" is also a big one that takes on a different meaning.
    4. “Settlers, settlers go back home! Palestine is our home!”
    5. “There is only one solution, intifada revolution”
    6. “We don’t want no two-state, we want ’48”
    old and tired likes this.
  6. Tom, what’s the difference between the SA and the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, National Front? “Stand down and stand by.” If you don’t fight like hell, you won’t have a country anymore.” “On my first day I want to eliminate the Socialists, the Communists, the Nazis , the Democrats , the Liberals, the vermin in our country.” In substance.
    Then there is Bibi saying there is no such thing as a Palestinian, there is no such thing as an innocent Palestinian (contradicting himself a few days later), there has never been a Palestine ( maps from 200 BC, 1000 CE, say otherwise), he never wanted a two state solution, turns a blind eye to settlers evicting Palestinians from there homes on the West Bank and moving in, West Bank settlers killing Palestinians in from of IDF with no repercussions, Israel controlling water and energy into Gaza, telling Palestinians to go to this safe area and then bombing it, telling Palestinians to evacuate Rafah but they have nowhere to go as Egypt has fenced off their border, safe to say Israel doesn’t want them and they can’t go north because it has been destroyed. Over 34,000 Palestinians have been killed and is ramping up for more. What does victory look like? What are post war plans beside occupying Gaza for the next 50 years?

    “They create a desert and they call it peace.” The Annals” Tacitus

    Yeah, I think I can understand why there are protests, of course Fox, Newsmax, OAN, CBN have the propaganda machine in high gear. I expect to be called an antisemite in the very near future but facts are not biased. Have a positive day.
    Janet Curry likes this.
  7. HH, I never wanted an MBA from anywhere, so stuff that thought in your thigh folds if they are not hanging low. Aside from gleaning info from a long dormant FB account, you never answered my questions regarding in high school, basically you are a fraud. Did you have an elevator pass in high school or why did the burger place across the street from the school based on a rumor? Just ask’n.
  8. FYI

    FYI Well-Known Member

    My friend, if you can't see the difference to what happened on October 7th I really feel sorry for you, and you're not worth my time to explain it to you.

    Have a great day, and the future is now you antisemite!
  9. John Fast

    John Fast Well-Known Member

    I have a breakfast conversation with a 92 year old every morning. While I am 22 years his junior we both understand human suffering and loss. Over the course of time and wars he lost his best friend and and I lost many I loved. We both lost friends that returned from the battlefield that were never the same. It is wonderful to be able to share from the heart the inhumanity of mankind. It is hard not to cry.
    But then there are those hate filled conversations about how many rounds of ammunition someone has at home or what a missile looks like when it is launched by an pot bellied electrician who was sitting on a ship way out of harms way. I know what a missile launch looks like. And I know what it looks like when it explodes in a populated area. I see Dave's hate filled diatribes and some hate filled responses and wonder what level of barbarism have we come to? Who are you people. Have you ever stared down the barrel of a machine gun and wonder, is the kid behind the sand bags filled with the same hate or is he just doing his job protecting an unpopular embassy in a hostile territory? And what about my friend who triaged ALL the wounded who came through his advanced unit in the Gulf War? Do you think he cares about your cowardly conversations. Heck no. So Dave, rattle your sick saber all you want. And Tom, respond with hate filled responses all day long. And then look in the mirror and see what is so obvious to all of us.
    IndependentCynic likes this.
  10. Happy Hippie

    Happy Hippie Active Member

    Someone who speaks like you actually frightens me. I will not answer any more of your posts and ask that you refrain from mentioning or addressing me. I am a lot younger than you are and your questions about OLCHS are just ignorant and crazy, much like you. I would feel sorry for you, but I am sure you are living in your own personal hell. When normal people find a connection...like going to the same High School....it usually leads to good conversation and memories. I have no clue what demons you are fighting internally but wish you the best in finding your peace.
  11. FYI

    FYI Well-Known Member

    There is no hate in my responses. I'm only calling him out for not seeing what the October 7th attack really was.

    But then again, Dave gets his sick enjoyment contradicting anything anybody says especially if you're a conservative.
  12. Happy Hippie

    Happy Hippie Active Member

    I don't know what war looks like. I do know I too have experienced hardships and I do know that you have no right to judge me, even tho you didn't mention me personally. I lost my first love in high school. He was cleaning out a storm drain and the force of the water ripped away his scuba gear from his face. I lost several dear friends in Vietnam. My nephew was on a nuclear sub under water for 6 months during the Gulf War unable to contact family. I took care of both my parents, bathing, dressing, all ADL's kept them at home and held each of their hands until they took their last breath. I would not change 1 second of that precious time with them. Last year alone I lost 2 sisters and a BIL. Don't you dare tell me I don't know emotional pain. And if some asshole speaks to me the way Dave and Pearson does you bet I will answer, then they will not exist, and it will be on my terms. Does being on the board in SC turn people into judgmental narcissistic monsters? I can't wait to get my clean bill of health so I can move out of this hell hole.
  13. There seems to be the thought that I support Hamas and the October 7th attack. I do not justify this ghastly attack whatsoever, but how many Palestinians have to die to even the score, 200 to 1, 500 to one, somebody tell me. Presuming you are all good Christians or just plain Christians how can you justify this slaughter of unarmed civilians in the name of revenge? Bibi is a thug and he has had a bug up his butt about Palestinians ever since his brother was killed during that Entebbe thing in 1976. If you believe that Israel is justified in what they do not matter what and cannot be held responsible, you really need to think your moral compass.

    I have many Jewish friends for decades and I have discussed my position with them and they understand that it is not antisemic to criticize policy. I am criticizing policy. Foreign affairs has been long an interest to me.
    Janet Curry likes this.
  14. I lost friends from high school and my first roommate in college in Viet Nam along with several high school friends who were severely wounded. So I do know the pain of war and my father suffered from I believe PTSD from his experiences in the South Pacific during WWII. He was severely wounded at Peliulu and nearly died. The only lottery I ever won was a cold December night in 1969 when my number was 359/25.

    Bill is Bill and I won’t speak him, but I do not suffer fools, idiots, morons, frauds and people who rarely speak the truth lightly. If you think I am going to put up with a third rate google queen who talks shite, you are sorely mistaken. The sooner you hustle your sorry whiny ass out here, the better off we will be. Have a positive day.
    Janet Curry likes this.
  15. John, I think we should sit down and have lunch sometime and have a lengthy discussion on stuff, such as my position on MBAs and any other topic that comes up. I’m not the ogre you think I am. Yes I have a temper as I am my father’s son.

    For the record I have had a gun pointed at me five times less than three feet away in a Chicago neighborhood that would make you piss in your pants. When at legal aid I represented vets in the first Agent Orange cases, 1973-75 and not surprisingly lost. I also represented vets on local VA appellate matters as their representative at the hearing level was well meaning but incompetent.

    I don’t like being called a coward and don’t do it again. I have spent my life in public service in one way, shape or another and have stood up to bigger bullies than around here. I am not a barbarian but I do read about them. I like to read on anything that interests me and I have a rather large curiosity net. I don’t apologize for my skill set although some people have a hard time grasping what my career was and what I needed to know. My attitude, you work with attorneys for over 50 years and see what kind of attitude you develop.

    Hope we can get together sometime and I actually own a saber, I inherited from my brother and it was a military ceremonial saber. Just thought you would like to know.

    Now back to the battle of Crecy and why the French never learned anything from being on the wrong end of the Welsh low bow. Sorry for my deep love of history but it goes back to third grade I believe.
  16. John Fast

    John Fast Well-Known Member

    Statistically speaking, we probably each will only live another 10 years or so and few outside immediate family and friends will mourn our passing or know we ever existed. So I ask, do you think anger, however expressed, solves anything. It is merely an emotion and like all emotions this too shall pass. Just food for thought.
    Janet Curry likes this.
  17. FYI

    FYI Well-Known Member

    Well...sometimes anger causes motivation and not necessarily to do bad things, but to help correct a bad situation!
    Enigma likes this.
  18. Janet Curry

    Janet Curry Well-Known Member

    Although I don't think Talk of Sun City is designed for political conversations, I have to chime into this one because I was married for thirty years to a Vietnam veteran who succumbed to Agent Orange at age 65. He was a Green Beret (two tours), paratrooper, reconnaissance, SOG (Special Observations Group), Presidential Commendation, two bronze stars (one with valor), and so many other medals I can't remember them all. If you ever get to Branson MO, be sure to go to the Military Museum where there is a display about him with his uniform, green beret, photos, etc. The entire museum is a collection of military items collected throughout the world during various wars and conflicts. Surprisingly, until shortly before his death, he felt that his military service was the best part of his life. That was because he had a very dominating father who was abusive and controlling. During his early college years at Northwestern University, he decided it would be easier to enlist in the Army than to go home and tell his father that he had failed German for the second time. He was a true warrior and excelled in the military, the one place his father couldn't claim any credit for his successes. He suffered from PTSD and went through alcohol rehab three times in one year. However he was more affected by his father's abuse, and his mother's negligence to curtail it, than he was his experience in Vietnam. He was never able to become sober so we divorced, he moved out of the country, but I had the honor of taking care of him the last several months of his life. I consider that my service to my country. If you are a Facebook friend of mine, you will note that I add many posts supporting our veterans and people in the military.

    P.S. Dave, as a historian, you may be interested in reading the book SOG The Secret Wars of America's Commandos in Vietnam by John Plaster. The photo on the cover of the book was taken by my husband and he is quoted on page 357. (He has had other photos published in other publications on Vietnam as well.) I am very proud of my "One Zero".
    Last edited: May 7, 2024
  19. Happy Hippie

    Happy Hippie Active Member

    You are correct. I did post this in the wrong place. There is a section for Non Sun City Related Discussions. I should have posted this in that section. Dave I know you will lead the judge, jury and executioner of my fate for this egregious error on my part. I did try to google some suggestions for you but it was the first time in my extensive google search history I came up with zero links. I will fix this horrid mistake I made soon.
    Janet Curry likes this.
  20. Happy Hippie

    Happy Hippie Active Member

    which is it dave? big thigh folds or whiney little ass? you are not an ogre, you just have severe mental disorders, thinking you are better/smarter than everyone else is one. see you at the exchange meeting. i'll be the one whose older sister went to school with you.

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