The definning difference between the right and the left.

Discussion in 'Sun City General Discussions' started by BPearson, Sep 19, 2024 at 4:31 PM.

  1. BPearson

    BPearson Well-Known Member

    It's been revealing the past several weeks/months to follow the two campaigns of trump and Harris. It's pretty obvious trump was counting on running against Joe and when Harris stepped in, he lost his mind. With each passing day, both him and vance have become more erratic and spouting larger lies and more crazy.

    But this thread isn't about them, but about all of us. The election aside, the constant barrage of posts have exposed the true differences between the two parties. I'll keep this short, because we have been told repeatedly how those on the right simply cannot focus for more that a minute or two.

    Today, and for the past week, we keep being told how rich trump is and how much money musk has. No question, they've done well. I won't waste my time with how, because it is immaterial to the below point:
    * For the most part, democrats aren't impressed by someone's net worth. Personally, i am more impressed by the quality of life a person lives. In fact, their net worth means zero to me. A person with $100 in the bank, is a decent human being, gives back to the community he/she lives in and celebrates everyday as being blessed would be my hero, far more then being in the top 1%.
    * Those on the right (i'm not sure you can even call them republicans any longer) appear fixated on how rich they are. Measuring their worth by their net worth seems to be their go-to-tool of choice. I guess it makes it easier and quicker.

    I've never been one to make money my God. There's far too many more important things in life than the size of your portfolio. To each their own.
  2. Josie P

    Josie P Well-Known Member

    You really have no clue. Quality of life is usually enhanced by money. Today I am hurting financially. I was not 4 years ago. Trump loves this country. He could be retired and golfing, instead he wants to fix a broken country. He didn't take one penny of salary when he was president. How did all these senators become millionaires on $175k salary? Harris wants power, period. She was raised as a Marxist. She will ruin what is left of this country. I can't take 4 more years of her joy. I will not be able to afford food.

    Now why don't you go take your nice designer dogs for a walk.
  3. BPearson

    BPearson Well-Known Member

    Thanks for making my point. After 48 years of sobriety, the money in the bank is meaningless compared to the peace and serenity we (including my wife and puppies) have attained. Republican values=money. Democrats values=people.
    4 years ago you were locked in your house, a million American's would drop dead from the Pandemic, the unemployment rate was the highest since the great depression and you were "getting by" because the government was sending us all subsidy checks. Short memory?
    Right, he passed on the $400k yearly salary because he made far more selling the SS agents guarding him rooms at grossly inflated rates. Then he leveraged his properties to house visiting foreigners to cash in on them. Finally, he had all of you on the hook sending him your hard earned money so he could bask in the glow of being rich beyond anyone's imagination. You are right about one thing; he should have just retired and enjoyed golfing and reading the stolen top secret documents he was hiding at Mara Logo.
    I'll try with you, maybe you're smarter than Tom. Is she a Marxist? A Communist? A Socialist? Or, a Fascist? It's not an easy question because there are some similarities. And to be perfectly correct, her dad (the Marxist) left the house and she was raised by a single mother who was none of the above. Just saying eh?
    Wow, i know you hate me, but my dogs? Really. trump really has affected what brain cells you had left.

    I'll pray for you as you know, it brings me Joy to try and help those in need.
    OneDayAtATime likes this.
  4. Josie P

    Josie P Well-Known Member

    I do not hate your puppies. I just don't understand people who spend thousands on designer dogs when so many are in need of homes. As far as Covid, I was not locked in my home. I was one of the people who did not get vaxed and only wore a mask if it was mandatory. We know what really happened now. We know it is a virus and a piece of paper over your face will not protect you. I have not had any vax since I retired from Banner and even then I only would allow the flu shot. If I had covid I was not aware, so it must have been pretty mild.

    A lot of the older compromised people died due to idiots like Cuomo. Trump sends him a hospital ship for people released from the hospital, but because he hated Trump so much he chose to put the sick people in nursing homes with the well people. Janice Dean can tell you all about that. Cuomo killed a lot of people. He's a Democrat you know.

    Why do you repeatedly use the 48 years of sobriety line? We all know as you repeat it endlessly. You are not the only recovered alcoholic in the country, but you act like it. Check the number of years, you have been stuck on 48 for a very long time.
  5. FYI

    FYI Well-Known Member

    Bill, Bill, Bill....what difference does it make? One isn't really any better than the other!

    What do you prefer she would be, a Marxist, a Socialist, or a Communist?

    Unlike you, I personally want nothing to do with any of the three! I prefer Capitalism.
  6. OneDayAtATime

    OneDayAtATime Well-Known Member

    If I had the strength and will power to stay away from an addiction (be it gambling, alcohol, eating, shopping, substance abuse, smoking) for 48 years, you can bet that I would also shout it from the rooftops every chance I got. That explains a lot about the person - strength of character. Way to go Bill! And full of JOY to boot!!
    Cheri Marchio likes this.
  7. Josie P

    Josie P Well-Known Member

  8. carptrash

    carptrash Active Member

    Yes. I am trying to beat my addiction to politics but can't even get started. Also if you want to know if Harris, or Biden or anyone like that is " a Marxist, a Socialist, or a Communist' go to one of the a Marxist, or Socialist, or Communist websites, I imagine there are a dozen if not a hundred, and ask, "So are Biden or Harris a _________ (fill in the black for the appropriate web site) and see what answer you get. Or I can save you the trouble and guess with 99% accuracy that you will hear that they ALL despise those people.
    BPearson likes this.
  9. BPearson

    BPearson Well-Known Member

    And there-in is the problem Tom, you simply have no clue, because she is none of them. She is a capitalist. The right has been trying to hang slogans on democrats for as far back as i remember. Every election was going to result in the country going to hell and it becoming the next Cuba, Venezuela or China.

    It has never happened. The reality is the stock market performs better under democrats. The job market does better under democrats. All of which means the economy does better under democrats. The difference is the clear winners under the right have been the corporations and the billionaires. Their ability to buy elections has always resulted in them wanting to be paid back and getting exactly what they paid for.

    Sorry brother that's just the facts of life. So keep tooting your horn for the guys that have it all, we know trump has every intention of making them ever richer.
  10. Josie P

    Josie P Well-Known Member

    OMG! I just choked on my soda!!!!!
  11. BPearson

    BPearson Well-Known Member

    Choking happens a lot when you have no idea what you are talking about.

    Let me help you out here by re-posting this piece on the Harris/Walz position regarding small businesses and entrepreneurs:
    Grow Small Businesses and Invest in Entrepreneurs

    Vice President Harris and Governor Walz know that small businesses — neighborhood shops, high-tech startups, small manufacturers, and more — are the engines of our economy. Just as she did as Senator and Vice President, Kamala Harris will always support small businesses and invest in entrepreneurs as president.

    She has led the Biden-Harris Administration’s efforts to increase access to capital for small businesses and bring venture capital to parts of middle America that have for too long been overlooked, driving a record 19 million new business applications, tripling the Small Business Administration’s lending to Black-owned businesses, and more than doubling small-dollar lending to Latino and women-owned businesses. She has also championed expanding federal contracts for minority-owned small businesses.

    As part of her Opportunity Economy agenda, she has put forward a plan to help small businesses and entrepreneurs innovate and grow. She has set an ambitious goal of 25 million new business applications by the end of her first term — over 10 million more than Trump saw during his term. To help achieve this, she will expand the startup expense tax deduction for new businesses from $5,000 to $50,000 and take on the everyday obstacles and red tape that can make it harder to grow a small business. She will drive venture capital to the talent that exists all across our country including in rural areas, and increase the share of federal contract dollars going to small businesses.

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