Purely Politics

Discussion in 'Sun City General Discussions' started by FYI, Aug 18, 2024.

  1. FYI

    FYI Well-Known Member

    Hey, I saw a guy wearing a great T-shirt at Trump's last Rally.

    It read, "I suffer from PTSD
    Tired of
  2. Josie P

    Josie P Well-Known Member

  3. FYI

    FYI Well-Known Member

    Yeah, and when you have a ticket that's even further Left of Bernie Sanders, be careful what you wish for!
  4. Josie P

    Josie P Well-Known Member

  5. FYI

    FYI Well-Known Member

    And it will be interesting to see who responds to defend the last 3 1/2 years of high prices and illegal alien invasion?
  6. Josie P

    Josie P Well-Known Member

    Nice, I would like to wear that but prefer not to have the crap beat out of me so I won't wear anything political with the exception of American Flag cap and shirt.
  7. FYI

    FYI Well-Known Member

    Yeah, and ain't that a shame! But you could wear a Harris Walz shirt and nobody would bother you.
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2024
  8. Josie P

    Josie P Well-Known Member

    The sad part is Dems will probably win due to the sheer number of illegals they let into the country who will be able to vote. The economy is bad now, but wait. We can't survive another 4 years of a continuing Biden/Harris admin.
  9. FYI

    FYI Well-Known Member

    You know what they say, "You can vote your way into Socialism, but you have to shoot your way back out."
  10. FYI

    FYI Well-Known Member

    Well...I'm waiting to write down her answer on how to fix inflation!!! I know what it is, I experience it everyday!

    Just more double-talk! Still no answers!
    Janet Curry likes this.
  11. Josie P

    Josie P Well-Known Member

  12. Josie P

    Josie P Well-Known Member

    This interview should be on this thread. Vance always hits it out of the park in interviews.

    Responding to Dave min-info about Vance

    Ooppps, Face the Nation. Sorry all these programs start to look the same with guests bouncing from one studio to the next.
    Since you are a MAGA, I saw JD Vance on Meet the Press last Sunday saying that single childless people should pay more in taxes but never expounded on that. So, how much more and what kind of taxes solely because I had no children?

    Found it, watched it. Point me to the minute mark where Vance said he wanted childless people to pay more taxes. Then go to the 14 minute mark and explain to me how it's fair that farm benefits were given to blacks only, white farmers not eligible during the Harris term. Not Biden/Harris because we all know that his dementia was hidden by his administration. Who was running the show? Also you blatantly lied about what Vance said. Did you even watch the interview? Media lies/Liberal lies. It's the norm now. I would pay to see a debate between Vance and you. Vance being so accomplished, articulate, calm and intelligent and then there's you.

    JD Vance on Face the Nation Senator JD Vance on "Face the Nation" | full interview (youtube.com)
  13. Josie P

    Josie P Well-Known Member

  14. HH, don’t have FB anymore so I can’t see that post. If it was from last Saturday’s rally in PA, there were l ot of empty seats, people starting leaving way before here finished and it re-enforced my belief that he is unfit for office, is nothing but a drooling, unhinged stuttering prick.

    As a side note, he is a con man and if you were one of those people who purchased stock in his media company, ticker symbol DJT, about 5-6 months ago, you bought into the con. Currently, the stock is price at around $22 as opposed to the purchase price of around $70. You have lost big time already, even if it goes down to $10 a share in October, Trump can dump half his stock holdings and still clear around a billion dollars, so who is the sucker. If he loses, the stock will be virtually worthless. If he keeps up his usual schtick, stick a fork in Trump, he’s done.
  15. Josie P

    Josie P Well-Known Member

    Dave, Dave. I can't believe a thing you say anymore. You didn't tell the truth about the Vance interview, won't answer my questions which leads me to believe you never watched it. Why would I get sucked into believing you actually watched a Trump rally. I guess we just wait and see what comes out of the Biden abuse of power and obstruction while he was VP. How does a man who made under $200,000/year and claimed to be the poorest member of congress live the life of a multi millionaire. Where did that 27 mil come from. We will never know because we have a 2 tier justice system.
  16. FYI

    FYI Well-Known Member

    Well, it seems that drooling, unhinged stuttering prick did a pretty damn good job keeping his campaign promises!

    The only drooling, unhinged stuttering prick I have seen in the last 3 1/2 years is Joe Biden!!! In fact, he was so unhinged and drooling that his own Party had to force him out of the next election! And what were the Democrat's left with? A giggling idiot who only weeks before was viewed as a person with even less ability to serve and with an approval rating less than Biden!

    Look, I don't really care about the personalities of either Trump or Biden, so stop doing what you always do, and that's try to change the topic rather answering the question. What I care about are the policies that I'm forced to live under, and how they effect my day-to-day life!

    It's just a damn shame that people can't separate the man from the policies! Look, you don't have to watch or listen to him, which I'm sure you don't, but you do have to literally pay the price at the gas pump or grocery store every day for an administrations policies.

    As I've said before, anybody with any intellectual honesty can't deny that Life was Good under a Trump administration.

    You claim to be a historian,...so how did Socialism work out, as recently as, for those in Venezuela? How do you suppose Kamala's price controlling will go? How has price control worked in the past? And while Harris/Walz talk a good game about personal Freedom, they want to take away your private healthcare!
    Janet Curry and Enigma like this.
  17. Josie P

    Josie P Well-Known Member

    Well they are allowing Biden to speak, just not about Harris. Only for a brief period tonight, they he goes to CA for a vacation. Not letting him stay for Harris and Obama speeches. Thank God he probably doesn't understand.

    This is cute, it's the Second Man practicing his happy crowd moves for tonight. https://x.com/i/status/1825586551679840730

    Sure hope the Chicago River doesn't run red after this convention.
  18. Josie P

    Josie P Well-Known Member

  19. HH, admitted I listed the wrong news show, but what I highlighted stated by Vance was true.

    FYI, OK, how is Trump going to lower inflation, food prices, gas (we are currently pumping more domestic oil than under Trump and it has been that way for two years) the current gas futures for September are dropping lock a rock, border crossings are way down, what’s his foreign policy in Europe, Asia, North and South America? He says he can end the Ukraine war in one day, how’s that work? Face it, he works on stream of consciousness (read Old Man and the Sea by Hemingway to see how it works) what ever comes into his mind at the moment, like I am better looking than Kamala, who the fuck cares. What’s his tax policy besides cutting taxes for his friends and making the deficit buster tax cuts permanent. What his plan to save Social Security and Medicare besides privatizing which is incredibly stupid.

    He is a clown and has always been one. I have followed him since the early 80’s and watched as his casinos lost money. How can you lose money with a casino when the odds favor he house, mainly he sucked money out of them to prop up his shitty real estate business which was hemorrhaging cash. Six bankruptcies, this from an alleged Wharton School graduate.

    The only running red in the Chicago River is the Trump Tower on the site of the old Sun-Times building. Most of the condos have not been sold and Deutsche Bank is in court on a foreclosure action.

    Tom, I bet you are OK with him denigrating Medal of Honer vets. If you do you are a disgrace.
  20. Josie P

    Josie P Well-Known Member

    Show me the minute mark on the video I posted. Just stop lying. The red I was referring to is from all the aborted babies the dems are paying for during the DNC. I read your post. HH, blah, blah river, blah.

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