Let there be RAIN - and - Let there be ANTS !

Discussion in 'Sun City General Discussions' started by Anita Mae, Jul 20, 2013.

  1. Anita Mae

    Anita Mae Member

    Hooray for our wonderful rain - - I heard Sun City Area got .59 inches -- -
    And it rained, nicely for a few hours during the night. GREAT ! ! We needed those drops ! ! :star:
    AND now - -

    Guess all the super rain we got - - woke up our little friends, The Ants. This morning I saw tiny ones just going here and there on every sidewalk around my place. Certain their hideout underground was "flooded".
    I was not about to waste my time on this or that home remedy that might work to get rid of these little pests before they decide to attempt going inside.....so I used my favorite ANT KILL - - AMDRO

    A sprinkle her, there, and everywhere with the granuals -- should take care of them. Little ants will take this "food" to their queen -- then like magic - - she is destroyed - - and so is her Kingdom. Amdro is a never fail ant kill.... With all the ants running around -- I used it all around my home -- and may have to apply a second time tomorrow.
    AMDRO can be purchased at any hardware store, Walmart, etc.
  2. suncityjack

    suncityjack Active Member

  3. pegmih

    pegmih Well-Known Member

    I wash my kitchen counters a couple times a day with vinegar/water.
    So far no ants.
  4. Fiona

    Fiona New Member

    We have not had a bug problem of any type since we sprayed our house and treated for termites...which we did have. I hate ants.
  5. Anita Mae

    Anita Mae Member

    Good informational - site -- re: get rid of ants.

    I checked this out SCJack...good information...AND I had also heard, BORAX detergent will work as well on ants nad other little pests, as well.
    -- I tried to find the powder form at the store.. maybe, I was looking in the wrong area --
    I was looking thru the Laundry soap area...Any idea on this ? Thanks.

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