Actually the real question is what will you do if I am correct? Firing everyone in the CIA, other intelligence services, State Department, Depart of Justice, FBI, Defense Department, eliminate Department of Education and replacing them with who? A bunch of loyalists, true believers, sniveling mice and rat clowns they dig up? You are watching a coup take place and you don’t care, actually you think it’s great. The world is laughing at us and you believe they are going along with this nonsense. Russia and China are benefitting most from this. If Trump goes through with that idiotic Gaza plan, Israel will take over Gaza and the West Bank completing the land grab started in 1923. The Palestinians will become the “new Jews” wandering in the desert. History has a habit of looking down on this sort of thing and historians will spend decades eviserating Trump and his chickenshits in Congress who have no cojones to stand up to this bully. You are on the correct side of history or you are part of the landscape. You made your decision on November 5th and you must live with it.
Hmmm? And where in Article I, Section 8 is education listed as an enumerated power of the Federal government? Probably right next to Roe v Wade and abortion? Seems you didn't care much about coup's when they were trying to overthrow the Trump presidency and throw him in jail with made-up Lawfare, or the coup that forced Sleepy Joe out of running for a second term and resurrecting Kamala without a single vote!
Trump last. What will things be like in a year, come back then and ask me. Meanwhile, I will enjoy seeing his fat ass whacked in court. TDS, don’t subscribe that’s not in the manual. Same goes for your latest made up disease, MDS.
Maybe some Prevagen? We have been through this twice before, and probably more. 1. TDS: The origin of the term is traced to Charles Krauthammer, a conservative political columnist, commentator, and psychiatrist, who coined the phrase Bush derangement syndrome in 2003 during the presidency of George W. Bush. That "syndrome" was defined by Krauthammer as "the acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the presidency—nay—the very existence of George W. Bush". Krauthammer, in an op-ed commented that—in addition to general hysteria about Trump—the "Trump Derangement Syndrome" was the "inability to distinguish between legitimate policy differences and ... signs of psychic pathology". TDS: Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome Last edited: Jan 22, 2025 Josie P, Jan 22, 2025 2. TDS: Charles Krauthammer, a psychiatrist, who first coined the phrase “Bush derangement syndrome” in 2003. Krauthammer, himself a harsh critic of Trump, later defined Trump derangement syndrome as a Trump-induced “general hysteria” that produced an “inability to distinguish between legitimate policy differences and signs of psychic pathology” The Paradox of "Trump Derangement Syndrome" | Psychology Today I loved listening to Charles Krauthammer. That should throw you right over the TDS end. Josie P, Nov 30, 2024
I still use wikipedia frequently, it seems to me to be the most fact based info source around. I was trying to find out what schools our presidents went to, found it there. I was trying to find out what head of states from other countries went to school in the US, found that too. Wikipedia does not ban editors, it is other editors, elected by editors who do it. In my almost 20 years of editing on wikipedia I have seen a lot of dishonest editing, virtually all of it by right or conservative editors. When I had access to free inter-library-loan ( it is free at some libraries, not at Maricopa, so I don't use it) I found myself borrowing books from other libraries to check out what seemed to me to be questionable edits to what seemed to be right editors and it ALWAYS turned out that they had made up or misrepresented the sources. I once emailed an author and asked if he had written something and he was outraged. i never tried to get those editors banned but those were my experiences. many times over. For a while I edited at Conservapedia and editors there used to brag about the stupid things they had done on wikipedia to get banned. That was a banner of pride there.
You are not unique by any stretch of the imagination. All those with TDS feel that way. I looked for you in the crowd but could not find you! Megyn Kelly Reacts to Prominent Dem Politicians Screaming About Elon Musk in D.C. Yesterday #MAGA
Your tax $$$$$ at work. Drain the swamp. From the oversight committee-----$241 million spent on trans testing on animals. Rep. Eli Crane | | Oversight of Taxpayer Funded Animal Cruelty
When will we see actual empirical proof of all these supposed programs or are they just making crap up like the Orange Gasbag and the ever escalating cost of condoms for Hamas which has been disproven. Basically they are using a cross between The Big Lie and the Abbie Hoffman theory of stories. It says that the more outrageous you are, the more people will believe you. So show me the proof that you do not have.
Seriously Dave, you are so tiring. We all know stuff like this has been happening for years. We just didn't know the depth. I posted the link to the Oversight Committee. Here are many more links, pick a link, pick any link. Now run along and play. And the condom thing...they were sent to other countries for humanitarian aid, not Gaza. Additional wishful thinking comment withheld. did the government spent millions on trans testing on animals - Google Search
Then Trump was lying about condoms and Hamas even though every time he mentioned the topic the amount went up last topping at around $90M. What link, what Oversight Committee, what the hell you talking about? How many snot nosed 20 year olds is Great Kahoona Musk planning on putting as analysts at the CIA or any of the intelligence services. Putin, Kim and Xiping must be laughing their respective asses off at this Romper Room shit show. See Trump is constantly getting his peeped whacked in Federal Court and Vance obviously flunked Constitutional Law at Yale. So much for the value of a Ivy League sheepskin. When are those egg prices coming down and gas prices went up again. I am tired of winning already.
I wouldn't be taking any bows so soon. Just like all the Lawfare cases that fell apart on Trump, once these injunctions get to a court where the justices aren't paid off by George Soros they'll get overturned as well. You guys just don't get it. What the Dem's are doing to Trump, his EO's, and their holding up his cabinet confirmations is only driving reasonable thinking people away from your party. Can't wait to see how many Republican seats we pick up during the mid-terms.
Well, it helped he had an incompetent Federal Judge in FLA making rulings that had long practicing lawyers scratching their heads, but then it always pays to have a judge in your pocket. To respond to some of your earlier posts starting with education. I would forgive your lack of knowledge on American history, but I will not because the first instance of the Federal involvement dates back to the first year of the Republic. You might not have been taught about this at the St. Mary of the Perpetual Nonsense, but Congress passed the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 which provided for public schools. Then there was the Land Grant Colleges passed by Congress in 1863 which provided for the State college system we have today. Then there was the GI Bill after WWII which sent thousands of returning soldiers to college and trade schools which built the post war prosperity and the growing Middle Class. Then there are Pell grants for post secondary education. That’s a Quick look at Feds and education. The right to abortion is covered in the Amendments, specifically the First, Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments. The recent decision overturning Roe opened an avenue that the Uterus Police never anticipated. Good. Do you people ever get over the George Soros bs when you have Clarence “Slappy”Thomas and Samuel “The Sniveling Mouse” Alito sucking off billionaires teats for all sorts of expensive freebies. If you knew anything about the alleged Lawfare you would also be mentioning in the same breath The Court of Star Chamber. Yes, look it up and learn something for a change. Aw, are those terrible Democrats using perfectly legal means for their own ends and MAGA is going total snowflake? Midterms, usually the party in power loses seats. Gas is up 7.5% in three weeks, eggs have doubled and the Fed is not going to change the Prime Rate until maybe late this year, so housing remains the same. Let’s see what the CPI for February when released in March. Have a positive day.
I thought you knew history? The Northwest Ordinance was under the Articles of Confederation and repealed when the States became part of the Union. Land Grants are just that, grants. And the GI Bill helps "pay" for an education. My point being, education, and what was taught in schools, wasn't mandated by the federal government. Only federal dollars were provided in some cases but it was always up to the territory and later the States to provide the curriculum. So I ask again, where in Congress' Article I, Section 8's enumerated powers grant it the power of education? So where in the first amendment does it authorize abortion? Is it no law establishing a religion? How about free speech or freedom to assemble, no wait, it must be freedom of the press! Fourth amendment? Hmmm? Do abortion doctors need Warrants to penetrate a woman's body? Or are you saying a fetus is the property of the woman, kinda like when the courts ruled that Dred Scott was property? And how about the Fourteenth? I hope you're not referring to the "privileges or immunities?" If the so called child isn't even born yet then what rights does it have? And if it does have those rights then you're admitting that a child in their mother's womb is a person and abortion is nothing more than infanticide! And if you knew anything about lawfare you would be man enough to admit that what they've tried to do to Trump for the last 8 years was just that! But no, you still suffer Trump Derangement Syndrome and you're hatred for Orange Man lives inside your head every day!
FYI, here’s a quarter, call mommy and tell her you will never be a Constitutional Law resource. First, the First Amendment guarantees the right of association, this is used by lawyers, accountants and doctors as to client/patient confidentiality. The Fourth Amendment covers the right to privacy in their PERSON and papers. This is meant to keep nosy religious uterus police from bothering you if you go to a clinic. Fourteenth Amendment, equal protection clause. Only women can have an abortion if they choose and the only medical procedure for women that has laws passed against it. The laws are generally passed by white men who have no medical training and are guided by their religion which an argument could be made it violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. Also, there is no equivalent reproductive medical procedure that is governed by statute that applies to men as well as men are not medically able to have this procedure. Hope this clears thinks up.
I know Lawfare and I also know some low level dweeb in the Trump campaign happen to find it in a history book or stumbled over it in Black’s. Sorry to report that every case brought against Trump the facts were true. Aside from being a blithering idiot, he’s an arch criminal along with Uday and Usay. Facts are not negotiable.
The name was Qusay. Are you saying President Trump is a terrorist? Is that a threat towards him? Pam Bondi might be interested in this. I think you have gone a step too far.
Enlighten me please. You tout your extensive knowledge on almost every topic known to man. You dismiss those who went to law school because you have a Liberal Arts Degree in History. It absolutely amazes me with your knowledge and extensive life experience you have not solved world hunger, poverty. cured cancer, oh I could go on. Why does someone with your vast knowledge and experience choose to live in a low-income community? Even if that is your choice why are you not contributing your vast knowledge to the Banner/Sun Health Research Institute? So many could benefit from your extensive knowledge. SC Finance and Budget Committee yes? Why are we in such a mess? No answer necessary. When grocery store butchers hate you that says it all.