RCSC Board of Directors Bylaw and Policy Changes

Discussion in 'Sun City General Discussions' started by OneDayAtATime, Sep 14, 2024.

  1. OneDayAtATime

    OneDayAtATime Well-Known Member

    I spent a few hours perusing the above today in preparation for the Special Session Board meeting on Monday, September 16 at 9 am at the Sundial Auditorium. When I sat on the Board, the above topics were two that I really wanted to be involved in. Much to my own dismay, I never got anywhere with changes that I thought needed to be made.

    I was eager to read what the Directors have worked on these past few months in regard to the topics above. I was hoping that because they got some "expert" help - Section 5 complete re-write by Bylaws Attorney Ashley Spear, and Section 2 - Added language for Sun City Foundation Directors to properly reflect Bylaws of the Foundation following advice from Board’s attorney - and that they finally decided to attack the whole project at one time instead of piecemeal, that I wouldn't find much to analyze.

    I started by comparing the version that the Ad Hoc Bylaws Committee proposed in 2021 that passed the first reading (However, not before the members of the Board who weren't in the majority attempted to make some changes that they felt were necessary; some passed the scrutiny of all; most didn't.) but not the second and researched subsequent revisions during 2023 and 2024. Unfortunately, I cannot verify anything at this point because I am swamped with files and versions in my computer, and I'm getting a headache trying to compare. I know that the Corporate Office has a way to provide the list of changes made since 2021, but I will not have time to get to there before Monday. And on Tuesday of this last week, I discovered that I have been exposed to Covid so I really don't want to show up at the Exchange.

    I'm dismayed that no one on TOSC has made an effort to bring this topic up. I was hoping that some of the members who were interested in this type of exercise would also take the time to investigate the changes being offered and perhaps this forum could be used as a dialogue between those who are interested.

    Has anyone else tried to investigate to be sure that the changes that are being proposed changes that will NOT hurt the membership? Thank you.

    Jean Totten
  2. OneDayAtATime

    OneDayAtATime Well-Known Member

    So, I guess no one is interested in the proposed new Bylaws or Policy changes.
    Jean Totten
  3. Josie P

    Josie P Well-Known Member

    Sorry Jean. a lot of the love has been lost for SC. Get on ND and you will see for yourself. The members feel screwed over. And when this starts to make the rounds I am sure members will be even more angry. How can this person be allowed to serve the members??? Board fault for allowing crap like this. From SC Advocates.

    Christine de Pizan

    Rich, glad to see you back from the sunburn surprise.

    Rich, while I found your explanations spot on and easily understandable, you must know that a good percentage of our population is obtuse at best and wouldn’t 7nderstand non-profits if Big Bird came down and explained it. They are clamoring for the five year plan and why is it taking so long. You know that this is not like purchasing a five year day planner at Staples and you just fill in the blanks. It covers the deferred maintenance, since we seem to be moving on MV, that project is 2-3 years depending on final drawings and just basic capital expenses. Plus we have to make sure we have the bucks for this.

    Then we have the dog club which to me is the like the car club with fur. I spoke with the club president when this first surfaced and learned that while teaching River c how to run in between sticks, the real purpose is for the two legged creatures to hang out and shoot the bull. So what they want is an air conditioned social club house so they can hang out, throw seasonal parties while Ruffy learns to run in circles to catch his/her tail. Just my prediction, if they get this space I guarantee they will come back and ask for more. I feel the same way about a performing arts center, it’s a boondoggle. If we are planning for the next generation, how do we know this is what they want? I’ll answer the question, we think we know, but we don’t know and the biggest problem is we have not realized we don’t know.

    I’ll stop now as I believed I have upset enough people already.

    One final mystery, evidently the by laws are being rewritten by a Board member and a person who is unknown. The Board member wants me to review some documents, still unnamed, but have not received. I have asked when do I receive these and the member says I am so busy that it sinks in the stack of paper. Time to call the member out on this transparency thing or lack thereof.
    You have your ear to the ground on this? I don’t want to find out the other person working on this is some clown who knows nothing of legal construction or the different scenarios of each by law. Basically all talk no experience screwing with our corporate documents.

    OK I am really done.
    May 14, 2024 at 10:05 PM
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2024
  4. Janet Curry

    Janet Curry Well-Known Member

    I sent an email to one of the Directors regarding a concern I had about the Board policy addressing the Foundation. I have been on a road trip so will be going through them more thoroughly this week, but probably not before the meeting on Monday. As I understand it, there will be two additional opportunities before they are passed.
  5. Josie P

    Josie P Well-Known Member

    SMH!!! Just watched the 9/16/24 Board meeting on youtube. Nobody is on 1st, 2nd, or 3rd, and the dugout is empty.
    Tom Trepanier likes this.
  6. Geoffrey de Villehardouin

    Geoffrey de Villehardouin Well-Known Member

    I want to represent members at disciplinary hearings so they receive a fair and impartial hearing. I have been several times that the Board will not allow it. Why? What are they afraid of? I smell a lawsuit.
  7. Josie P

    Josie P Well-Known Member

    You try to represent members and I will personally work to stop that. You should not even be on a committee. All members are stupid, right Christine?

    Christine de Pizan

    Rich, glad to see you back from the sunburn surprise.

    Rich, while I found your explanations spot on and easily understandable, you must know that a good percentage of our population is obtuse at best and wouldn’t 7nderstand non-profits if Big Bird came down and explained it. They are clamoring for the five year plan and why is it taking so long. You know that this is not like purchasing a five year day planner at Staples and you just fill in the blanks. It covers the deferred maintenance, since we seem to be moving on MV, that project is 2-3 years depending on final drawings and just basic capital expenses. Plus we have to make sure we have the bucks for this.

    Then we have the dog club which to me is the like the car club with fur. I spoke with the club president when this first surfaced and learned that while teaching River c how to run in between sticks, the real purpose is for the two legged creatures to hang out and shoot the bull. So what they want is an air conditioned social club house so they can hang out, throw seasonal parties while Ruffy learns to run in circles to catch his/her tail. Just my prediction, if they get this space I guarantee they will come back and ask for more. I feel the same way about a performing arts center, it’s a boondoggle. If we are planning for the next generation, how do we know this is what they want? I’ll answer the question, we think we know, but we don’t know and the biggest problem is we have not realized we don’t know.

    I’ll stop now as I believed I have upset enough people already.

    One final mystery, evidently the by laws are being rewritten by a Board member and a person who is unknown. The Board member wants me to review some documents, still unnamed, but have not received. I have asked when do I receive these and the member says I am so busy that it sinks in the stack of paper. Time to call the member out on this transparency thing or lack thereof.
    You have your ear to the ground on this? I don’t want to find out the other person working on this is some clown who knows nothing of legal construction or the different scenarios of each by law. Basically all talk no experience screwing with our corporate documents.

    OK I am really done.
    May 14, 2024 at 10:05 PM


  8. Tom Trepanier

    Tom Trepanier Well-Known Member

    Now this comment I understand and can relate to the concept. So funny Josie P, but sadly high probability true. Hope to watch video soon.
  9. Josie P

    Josie P Well-Known Member

    May want to skip it as it was sad. When I see stuff like that I go to my happy place in my mind at Wrigley Field with the Bleacher Bums and look at the Ivy Wall!.
  10. John Fast

    John Fast Well-Known Member

    Some may be wondering why I have been so quiet on this subject. Quite frankly, whatever is changed is not relevant unless it is followed. What members want is to be engaged/involved in an open decision making process. What they are getting is stonewalled so directors pet (air conditioned facilities for dogs/an expensive theater that a few want) projects can be funded. This set of Directors call it "Director Unity". That it is.
    Janet Curry likes this.
  11. Josie P

    Josie P Well-Known Member

    Been a while! Interesting meeting. I thought Kat was going to jump over the desk when it was mentioned that maybe we should have indoor lawn bowling instead of indoor dog training. I don't do either so I don't care other than it is obvious that the "Board Members" interests come first, and our money is being spent with no input from members. Time for a recall???

    This site is interesting. People came and went a lot. About 10 have stayed the course because they agree with the "Master of the Domain", but God forbid you disagree as there will be an attack on you by all.

    I started a political thread in the Non SC area and was verbally attacked immediately. I told them it was outside the main thread so not "OFF TOPIC". Good Lord, sometimes I feel like I just need to move where there are some younger people where kids laugh and play. Is a total senior environment really good for our brain? Or are we just here for the low taxes at the expense of our mental health?
  12. OneDayAtATime

    OneDayAtATime Well-Known Member

    I watched the video of the Special Session held by the BOD of RCSC held on Monday, September 9th. Personal reasons kept me from attending in person which is what I would have preferred.

    On the video at about the 4:17 mark, Director Jim Rough, who president Kat Fimmel said spearheaded this project, said this:
    "I'm going to start off with the Board had a committee two plus years ago in '21, and '22, and they passed the first reading of the changes to the bylaws and the second pass, second reading, did not pass so that document that they drafted was what we started with when we started this review."

    Why start with the draft of bylaws created by the Ad Hoc Committee that DID NOT PASS?

    On November 17, 2022, the bylaw revision did not pass. The minutes from the Board meeting state:
    Break was taken at 10:50 and reconvened at 11:00 at which time President Lehrer restated the motion correctly saying, the motion is for adoption of the Bylaws Revision. Vote was taken and the motions fails 5 to 4 as a motion requires a 2/3 or 6 to 3 vote. Director Collins, Director McAdam, Treasurer Akins, Director Nowakowski were all opposed. The existing bylaws at that time should have stayed in effect.

    When I started my term on the Board on January 1, 2023, the bylaws that were in existence should have been the same as those that ended in 2022. Various bylaw changes have been made throughout 2023 and 2024, BUT THEY WERE NOT MADE TO THE AD HOC COMMITTEE'S REVISION! So - why start this years' revision based on them??!! Can you help me out with their reasoning?

    I hope to be able to attend the September Board meeting to speak on this issue. Consider joining me if you agree. Thank you.

    (Jean Totten as One Day at a Time)

    old and tired likes this.
  13. BPearson

    BPearson Well-Known Member

    The newly revised bylaws have been posted and punch cards will remain unchanged. Good, it is what members wanted/asked for.
  14. John Fast

    John Fast Well-Known Member

    Comments and Commentary on revisions to BP 16 – Capital and Operating expenditure planning

    As you all know I was and am a ferocious advocate for the adoption of a more regimented financial planning process for Sun City and initiated this effort to institutionalize such a process. I am thrilled to see major changes finally being proposed and am fully supportive of the effort. It took a great deal of work by several people to reach this point. Kudos to all.

    For sake of clarity, I think a 30,000-foot view indicates the following welcome changes are proposed:

    · Committee involvement in the financial planning process would be greatly expanded.

    · Maintenance capital will be given greater visibility (our facilities are almost as old as we are and need “health care”.)

    · There is a process to address the fight for funds (capital projects)

    A form will be developed to justify the need to spend capital.

    Criteria for ranking requests will be developed

    Publication of the completed capital reuest forms to the membership is not required.

    · There is still no feedback process for denied requests.

    · A prudent reserve for emergencies will be maintained.

    · PIF funds requests must come from a Board member or a committee

    I am bothered that the membership is still subject to the Steve Collins phenomena whereby one director acts as Mr./Ms. insider for a special interest and will push board members to approve special interest requests like the $1.3M softball clubhouse, multi-million dollar building to be the only 55+ community with an indoor dog socialization facility, and a very expensive special purpose theater that only three other 55+ communities have.

    Overall, I think the proposal is a giant step forward. Unfortunately, I suspect that this board will argue that the proposed doghouse and the special purpose theater are exempt from this process. Oh well.

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