Breaker News or not?

Discussion in 'Sun City General Discussions' started by OneDayAtATime, May 24, 2024.

  1. FYI

    FYI Well-Known Member

    Maybe Dave just needs to change the batteries in his hearing-aids?
    Enigma and Linduska like this.
  2. eyesopen

    eyesopen Well-Known Member

  3. Josie P

    Josie P Well-Known Member

    No comment.
    carptrash likes this.
  4. eyesopen

    eyesopen Well-Known Member

    Other excerpts from the Technology Committee Summary 05.08.24, hmmm…

    We need to figure out how to use social media well. The library issue showed us the immense power of social media.”

    “We are seeking resumes for membership in the Technology Committee. Non-Golf Sr. Leader Mike Dirmyer wants to know how to repair relationships and rebuild the committee for next year.”
  5. Never said I was technologically advanced. Thanks Tom.
    I would also like the station to play Centerfold by J Geils Band and dedicated to Anne Randall Stewart.
    Another deadication, Uncle John’s Band by either the Dead or a nice acoustical version by the Indigo Girls.
    carptrash likes this.
  6. eyesopen

    eyesopen Well-Known Member

    You can make those requests on the website:

    Content Suggestions? Let us know!

    Contact Sun City Arizona Radio
    Do you have comments about our programming? Tell us your favorite music genre?

    Please let us know by sending us a message.

    Sun City, Arizona 85351, United States

    ON AIR 24/7

  7. Josie P

    Josie P Well-Known Member

    I can't even begin to imagine what kind of childhood hell you suffered to harbor the level of hate you carry around and publish on social media daily.
  8. Carole Martinez

    Carole Martinez New Member

    So how does one get a resume into the correct hands?
    Janet Curry likes this.
  9. eyesopen

    eyesopen Well-Known Member

    Contact the director who chairs or co-chairs the committee. You may want to call the board office to confirm positions at 623-561-4600

    2024 Committee Assignments- Tap name to email.
    * ( John Fast and Jean Totten are no longer directors.)

    • Bowling – Chair: Jim Rough; Co-Chair: Connie Jo Richtmyre
    • Insurance – Chair: Kat Fimmel; Co-Chair: * John Fast
    Janet Curry likes this.
  10. Josie P

    Josie P Well-Known Member

    Are there any 'right hands'. I was under the impression Dr. Chatterjee was going to rock our tech world! A quick background search has some interesting information.
  11. HH, what kind of hell, aside from evidently living in SC, makes you post everyday?
    I just do it for entertainment value, but spend most of my day reading books ( currently reading three on different subjects) and plotting out and preparing meals for my SO/ Life Partner who suffered through knee replacement surgery recently. She is coming along slow but sure.

    I don’t hate, I just don’t suffer fools lightly, especially those who have no idea what they are talking about.
    carptrash and Janet Curry like this.
  12. Josie P

    Josie P Well-Known Member

    Funny way to answer my question about Chatt.

    what kind of hell, aside from evidently living in SC, makes you post everyday? Absolutely none of your business.

    Why do you post every day?

    I do not care how you spend your day, I did not ask.

    You may want to look up the difference between suffer fools 'lightly' vs 'gladly'.
    Last edited: May 28, 2024
  13. OneDayAtATime

    OneDayAtATime Well-Known Member

    If you are thinking of sending your resume for committee work, here are the latest assignments. Both of these mentioned that they could use members.

    Chair: Jim Rough –
    Co-Chair: Chris Nettesheim –

    Outreach & Communications
    Chair: Chris Nettesheim –
    Co-Chair: Kat Fimmel ( and Connie Jo Richtmyre –

    Jean Totten
    Janet Curry likes this.
  14. HH, I’ll clarify my statement, I do not tolerate idiots and morons who run at the mouth trying to convince people that they know what they are talking about when they don’t. This is why I like B&F and Insurance committees, people with long experience in the respective fields. I do like questions from the committee guests (members) as they are trying to understand what we are discussing and also provide interesting insights at times.

    Didn’t know you wanted me to respond about DR. Chat, he knows more about technology than probably anyone else in SC, so you might want to listen to him.

    Have a positive life.
    Janet Curry likes this.
  15. Josie P

    Josie P Well-Known Member

    Ah! His extensive knowledge must be why out technology is exceptional. Great job!

    Do you call everyone names because it makes you feel superior, or you think it's fun, maybe as a distraction, you were bullied and it's the only behavior you understand? So many reasons. It does not bother me, however some might consider playground rhetoric odd for a man in his mid 70's.

    I guess I will just have to accept the fact that I am living in your head 24/7. You keep telling me your likes/dislikes/daily activities. I really don't care. Why do you keep commenting on my posts? If you truly believe what you say just scroll on by, but you can't can you? BTW my Go Fish Card Club did not appreciate being called obtuse. The dog lovers and car enthusiasts were not happy either.
  16. Sorry person who lives in the city of jackasses ( that’s my translation of the fine print) you do not live in my head or elsewhere. Actually you are the strawberry statement. Which is strange for someone in their mid to late 60s or early 70s from da sowtwest side. You remember the gagkez?
    Why do I comment on your posts because you post. I don’t care about your go fish card. The car club has been a money sucker since their founding as they whined they didn’t have a place for their overpriced toys, John Bremer and his Moses complex and continually trying to push to the front of the line with their self entitlement. The dog club, I did my part for them when they needed the canvas sail over their area around 2014. Now they want an air conditioned space for Spot and Ruffy to do dog things while everyone else smoozes and holds social events for their members. None of my business, take a number and go to the end of the line.

    Dr. Chat is working on it with others and so many residents here are true baby boomers, instant gratification or solutions, sarcastic lady in training.

    Walk on by, Dionne Warwick 1967 or thereabouts.
  17. Josie P

    Josie P Well-Known Member

    OMG!! You are so funny. You are a never ending source of giggles helping me to pass the time spent in waiting rooms. Your translation was not accurate at all as Burro can be translated to two different words in English. I like your translation so much I made it singular in your honor! City of the Jackass. Not sure what part of Oak Lawn you are from. My family and friends never said "da sowtwest" We said "The Southwest side of Chicago". Don't recall a ghetto area of Oak Lawn.
  18. So I guess youse guys ain’t commen wit us.
    I actually had boyhood friends that talked like this. It is also my personal tribute, if you listened to WXRT (pre commercial takeover) the Regular Guy who went to the show with his friend Motz and reviewed the movies during the mornings on I believe the Linn Brehmer show (RIP). Even Terri Hemmert retired!
  19. carptrash

    carptrash Active Member

    I've been trying to contact SCAZRadio on their link but have not heard back. I'd like to add some of the music you mention here, as well as other stuff that I've not heard after several days of serious listening.
    Janet Curry likes this.
  20. carptrash

    carptrash Active Member

    I think that you might be mixing the two dog clubs here. "Walk On By" was 1964, so 1967 is close enough . . . ..... for rock & roll.

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