One More Time!

Discussion in 'Sun City General Discussions' started by Happy Hippie, May 15, 2024.

  1. Happy Hippie

    Happy Hippie Active Member

    I posted this before and it went completely off the wall crazy! So let's go over this one more time gang! I read Sun City Advocates regularly. I saw this on the blog called From Adversity to Opportunity, Facing the changes. I was not impressed. You can read all blogs on Sun City Advocates here:

    They are all informative!

    Christine de Pizan said...

    Rich, glad to see you back from the sunburn surprise.

    Rich, while I found your explanations spot on and easily understandable, you must know that a good percentage of our population is obtuse at best and wouldn’t 7nderstand non-profits if Big Bird came down and explained it. They are clamoring for the five year plan and why is it taking so long. You know that this is not like purchasing a five year day planner at Staples and you just fill in the blanks. It covers the deferred maintenance, since we seem to be moving on MV, that project is 2-3 years depending on final drawings and just basic capital expenses. Plus we have to make sure we have the bucks for this.

    Then we have the dog club which to me is the like the car club with fur. I spoke with the club president when this first surfaced and learned that while teaching River c how to run in between sticks, the real purpose is for the two legged creatures to hang out and shoot the bull. So what they want is an air conditioned social club house so they can hang out, throw seasonal parties while Ruffy learns to run in circles to catch his/her tail. Just my prediction, if they get this space I guarantee they will come back and ask for more. I feel the same way about a performing arts center, it’s a boondoggle. If we are planning for the next generation, how do we know this is what they want? I’ll answer the question, we think we know, but we don’t know and the biggest problem is we have not realized we don’t know.

    I’ll stop now as I believed I have upset enough people already.

    One final mystery, evidently the by laws are being rewritten by a Board member and a person who is unknown. The Board member wants me to review some documents, still unnamed, but have not received. I have asked when do I receive these and the member says I am so busy that it sinks in the stack of paper. Time to call the member out on this transparency thing or lack thereof.
    You have your ear to the ground on this? I don’t want to find out the other person working on this is some clown who knows nothing of legal construction or the different scenarios of each by law. Basically all talk no experience screwing with our corporate documents.

    OK I am really done.

    May 14, 2024 at 10:05 PM

    So I get it. Christine/Dave (former board member) thinks we are dumb. I know he is Dave W because on the previous Sun City Advocates blog titled Everything You've Always Wanted to Know About Committees RCSC and Committees one of his comments was address by Jean Totten as follows.

    Christine de Pizan said...

    The financial institution holding the reverse mortgage would have to go to court and foreclose on the property. They would have secure documents where any and all heirs ( if applicable) sign away their rights to the property. Once the court enters an order awarding the financial institution they now become the deeded owner in which they would have to pay PIF, CIF, transfer fee and rec fees. They would then put the property for sale and new owner would be responsible for the aforementioned fees at closing.

    Hope that answers your question.

    April 23, 2024 at 8:39 PM
    Jean Totten said...
    Christine alias Dave W.: Are you absolutely, positive that your answer is correct? We don't want to give out false information. We emailed the Nixon's at their real estate office to see if they had any experience with this type of situation. If we don't hear from them, we will reach out to the Corporate Office.

    Any questions about PIF, CIF, etc. and selling of your home deserves the right answer the first time!

    Thank for chiming in, though.

    April 24, 2024 at 8:42 PM

    Pray for Sun City.

    I am not abusing anyone's name. I am posting facts anyone can look up/find/read.

    Period. Done. Over and Out.
  2. Jean, yes I am as I would never say anything like this that wasn’t true. I believe this will be a he said/she said situation.

    I have always found a way to alienate people, especially people with the furry four legged variety. I was at I believe an exchange or Board meeting a few months ago when there were some grumbling over Duffyland. I was talking to the gentleman next to me on various topics when the dog park was brought up. I said that Duffyland has been a problem since we acquired it and for over the past 12 years it has been nothing but problems in one way, shape or form and I believe the RCSC should sell. He was horrified, said it was an amenity and we purchased cheap. I replied that there is no good deal if it has consumed time and money in some form ever since. My understanding was that Duffyland was wide open space prior to our purchase and I guess the dogs of all sizes romped around. RCSC purchases the land and now we have gone through signs, RCSC monitors, fences, gates benches, tables, trees, landscaping, various forms of access and now weapons brought to the park. I have a feeling that this will just go on and do we really need this, hence my thoughts that we should sell.

    By the way I do not hate dogs or cats. I roomed with an old friend who had a Bassett hound and a German Shepard/malamute/wolf mix, nicest dog you will ever meet. When I was married we had small Terrier/Bijon Frese mix and at 12 pounds she thought she was an Irish Wolf Hound. She was also the world’s worse watchdog. RIP

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