The SAC allowed me to do a presentation pertaining to MV. When talking about a climate-controlled, indoor facility, I mentioned the increasing number of lawsuits dealing with noise issues caused by pickleball in Seattle. Seattle is evidently the fastest growing area for pickleball. My understanding is these lawsuits are occurring throughout the United States. My point is that I hope the SAC keeps this in mind during their decision making process. An indoor facility would certainly keep the noise out of the equation.
Pickleball USA is doing research in Phoenix with new equipment that minimizes sound. I think it would be a good idea for RCSC to reach out to see if it could partner in some equipment testing/research.
Yes indeed! And check out the new emails to the co-chairs of the SAC committee. I believe there were also some emails addressed to the Board of Directors. The emails can be found on the RCSC/SAC webpage. Quite interesting to say the least.
You could find some land and build a 10-story pickleball facility if you wanted to all you need is open space in these buildings nothing special heat it cool it. The corner across from Marinette to be used for a lot of different things you don't need to spread it out you can go up in the air many stories. But they're doing in Phoenix, they're buying old warehouses that are vacant and making pickleball facilities out of them and making money and filling them up because there's a huge demand. Think outside the box and mountain view needs to be thought outside the box believe me you build anything like they're planning to do it's going to be the biggest nightmare for the new people coming in because of 10 years it's going to be 10 times worse than young town in El mirage. It will be nothing but homeless.
So we are clear SW, every indoor pickleball venue requires parking in accordance with Maricopa County requirements. Last figure i heard was 1 space for every 200 sq ft of covered area. The figure thrown out if they were to enclose Marinette (heat and air) would take an additional 140 parking spaces. That's the beauty of big old retail buildings, they have big old parking lots. Based on what i have been told (assuming it's true), it doesn't matter if it's on one level or 5 levels, all of the covered floors would be added and still one space for 200 sq ft is applicable.
I think that property has 60 parking spaces. Does anyone know the asking price? I realize there isn't a real appetite for more property; however, with the proximity to Marinette, what about the indoor dog training facility? There may be some other need in Phase III for some smaller space. Something to consider. It's been vacant a long time.
I spoke with a shop owner in the strip mall across the street on the south west corner of Union Hills. The property owners wouldn't allow her to renew her lease and she said that that empty property across from Marinette is owned by the same people and is not for sale.
Loopnet shows it For Sale Investment Highlights listing: Union Hills Plaza 9885 W Union Hills Sun City AZ 85351 Property Facts Sale type Investment or Owner Usage EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Call for Pricing HIGHLY VISIBLE HARD CORNER LOCATION FULLY SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION LOCATED DIRECTLY ACROSS FROM THE MARINETTE RECREATION CENTER STRONG HOUSEHOLD INCOMES IN THE TRADE AREA Many details HERE and HERE
I'm curious about the market for small strip mall space. This property has been listed for quite some time. Or, is it a price issue? But, it still begs the question. Is it space that could fit RCSC needs (back to indoor dog training). It's the location that makes this property attractive. I know we have a lot bigger fish to fry, but sometimes decisions need to be made that weren't anticipated when opportunities present themselves. I know the arguments about more property to maintain, but is there a solution at a current center for an indoor dog traing facility with adequate space? And, considering all the budget issues we have, the timing isn't great either. So much of the uncertainty and many of the difficulties we are facing are due to the lack of a road map (no adopted LRP) together with total lack of financial tranparency. Everything we do is based on planning and budgets and determining needs versus wants. The good news is, LRPC is moving forward with its work to prepare a plan for Board consideration and adoption, and an entire new budgeting process is being put in place with an active Finance &Budget Committee. As we proceed over the coming weeks my hope is that Members can listen to everyone's ideas and THEN also listen with an open mind during the various meetings as information is presented by SAC, LRPC and Budget & Finance and take it all in, so they can more clearly see how and why decisions may be made for the future.
Someone, management or appropriate committee member, authorized to represent RCSC, could/should…find out the price of the one-acre lot. No obligation, no harm. Brent Mallonee, listing agent 602.224.4437
You're probably right, Tom. I hope RCSC doesn't just do a half a job on a dog training facility to appease the club because of a "hasty" promise and miss an opportunity that might be a good opportunity. I do see your point as well. There's a lot to deal with right now - just felt it should be out there.
I totally agree! This wish list shopping is totally out of control. Every additional facility that is added requires more maintenance and more staff. None of these facilities being discussed will generate any revenue. Big dreams bring big price tags. Won’t be long until the annual assessment will be $1,000 if some of your dreams come true.
I’m fine with your opinion Larry, though my understanding is that a performing arts center will generate revenue.
Interesting!?!? I never heard that and always assumed that the dollars they charge for admission simply went back to the Players Club? Can you confirm that?
Posted the question to the club. Also will look through RCSC budget to see if noted there. Looking at budget, revenue might be included in events, though events may be referring only to concerts. There is mention of the players in another category. Will wait for response from club and might just call someone at RCSC. Probably Kevin.
“It can and should be a revenue source to RCSC. Therefore, it needs to be centrally located to appeal to the “broadest” range of residents. Most senior communities don’t have an attractive lake that can be used to enhance artistic performances like Sun City. We should be thinking of value through advancement. Raise the bar with a Wow Factor of a PAC, not a mere “touch up” to satisfy a few clubs. Thinking wholistically, we need a high quality (see mission statement) PAC that attracts not only residents but good local talent to perform at the theatre.” FROM Copy of Email Correspondence to SAC Co-Chairs (with Attachmement) HERE
The problem of course with the PAC being at Lakeview is that project is 10 years down the road. The RCSC has to have cash in hand to build it. Unless the rumor is true that some of the co-chairs want to strip a large chunk of the 27 million dollars allocated to MV, away from them, it simply isn't realistic to suggest we wait for the PAC at Lakeview. Here's the ugly piece of the proposal now posted on the SAC website. Pulling the PAC and replacing it with an indoor pickleball venue means the Players have no home. I hate when we steal from one club and give it to another. While the Players is a small number (around 100 members), it is a disservice to look at just the people who put on the plays or performances. The reality is many of those who attend the plays and other live shows and movies are often RCSC members who have aged and don't do the sports activities that other members who are in better health and more able to be more active do. We know we want to use data as our measuring stick. I agree, to a point. Let's say there are 5000 golfers and 1200 pickleball players and tennis players and lawn bowlers and members who use the gyms, pools and join the clubs. I will err on the high side and say that represents half of the Sun City population. And to be more finite, roughly 32,500 RCSC members and an unknown number of privilege card holders (let's speculate at 4000). That leaves a huge % of the population that do nothing. In some cases because they are too old to even leave their house, in other cases because the activities available are too strenuous. Walk in a card room and check the average age, not everyone wants to play cards. Assuming this new proposal posted on SAC picks up steam, and the Players are booted, where do they go for the next ten years? Please don't tell me the Music room at Fairway, it's not even remotely doable. At one point someone floated the idea we rent the old Olive branch building at 500k a year and oh by the way, it needed a complete remodel which would have been, pick a number (another 500k to a million) in a building we are leasing. The Players club president has called me more names than i can count, but none of this was ever personal for me. I have no skin in the game other than i want this community to be the best it can be...we are a long way from being there.