Del Webb Sun Cities Museum News...

Discussion in 'Sun City General Discussions' started by BPearson, Jan 19, 2020.

  1. BPearson

    BPearson Well-Known Member

    When someone says the word museum, I suspect most of us think in terms of a more quiet, static environment. The word boring wouldn’t be correct, but certainly more staid i think fits. For years they were that. These days museums have become more dynamic, technology has taken them to a whole new level.

    Sun City’s first model home, now housing the Del Webb Museum is on the cusp of its own renaissance. Admittedly we are on the front end of it, but clearly we are on a new and exciting path. The added space was the impetus, and helped us understand, we had enormous opportunities.

    The 5 year strategic planning committee got pretty far out there. Who knows if we can reach our outrageous goals, but suffice to say for now, we are making amazing progress. A fascinating technology committee is coming together, a new marketing and publicity committee is in the works. Their jobs will center on the museum of tomorrow, rather than right now.

    Given the slow movement on this site, i will use this thread to keep you abreast of Museum news. While some see history as boring, i see it as the key to unlocking our future successes. How exciting is that?
  2. aggie

    aggie Well-Known Member

    We hope to get to the new expanded museum soon. Great progress!
  3. BPearson

    BPearson Well-Known Member

    Moving along nicely aggie, you need to stop by. The hours have been expanded, this month we are open Sunday's 1-4 pm and if fact i will be working on Sunday the 26th. Still waiting to hear but there's a good chance we will carry it forward given it's success. I will post it as so as i get the word.

    Of even more interest, we have just gotten notice the Quester's Women's Suffrage Centennial display will be showcased at the museum from Feb 2-10th. Our new addition gives us adequate room for the 7 massive panel display and we are excited be hosting it. This is a traveling display and being able to land it for those 8 days is quite and honor. Try and stop by and see it and at the same time, you can visit the museum...nothing better than a two-for.
  4. BPearson

    BPearson Well-Known Member

    Just off the presses: The Museum will be hosting the Quester's Women's Suffrage Centennial exhibit. It will be showcased at the museum from Feb 2 through the 10th. This massive 7 panel display will be in our new addition and i encourage people to stop by and see the museum and enjoy this marvelous 100 year tribute for the right for women to vote and hold political office.
  5. pegmih

    pegmih Well-Known Member

    Would you please post the hours that the museum is open.
    Thank you.
  6. BPearson

    BPearson Well-Known Member

    Hey Peg. The hours are Monday, 1pm till 4. Weds: 10 am to 4 pm. Friday: 10 am to 4 pm and we are open in January on Sundays 1pm to 4. There’s a good chance we will be keeping the museum open on Sundays in Feb and March, but i will let you all know once i get confirmation.
  7. 3GenSCAZ

    3GenSCAZ Active Member

    Thanks for keeping us updated on the museum and activities! What are the five year outrageous goals?
  8. BPearson

    BPearson Well-Known Member

    Good question and an answer we are still working through. The initial square footage on the house was 860 sq feet. The first addition, done by the Wagers, added better than half again as much and the latest one was somewhere around the same. Roughly we have 2000 square feet and that includes our office space. Our collection of materials is extensive with so much of it being buried in closets, cabinets and just filed away from those who would be interested. Even if we could convert it for display, we have nowhere near the space to showcase it.

    The museum has always operated on a very tight budget. That said, our displays have been professionally done for the past several years and they are pretty good. In the past year we have looked at other museums and they have gone well beyond anything we have done. Technology enhances their operations. We are exploring with some of those museums ways to follow suit. The ability to convert some of the buried materials is the driving force. But that's just part of the story/the bigger picture.

    The Del Webb Sun Cities Museum has long been the go-to-source for age restricted communities. It all started here and we have been examined by developers, students and other countries who are curious how and why we were successful. In the next 5 years we want to become the Del Webb Sun Cities Museum and Research Center. The materials we have are often one of a kinds and creating a website that makes that information available only enhances the potential role we could play in that community of history lovers, researchers and especially those who may want to live here.

    So basically everything we will be doing is technology driven. As you know, it's the future for all of us. The difference for us is we will be using our amazing history to become more effective in how we reach people. We believe we have some organizations who understand the value of our vision and with their financial help we see unlimited potential. Our technology committee is in its early stages but the volunteers we are assembling come with impressive backgrounds and passionate interests in the museum moving far beyond what anyone had projected or envisioned.

    Outrageous (i know, my words, but done with a purpose)? Only for those who have no ability to see and understand the future is truly tied to our past.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2020
  9. pegmih

    pegmih Well-Known Member

    Thank you for posting hours for the museum.
    Is there a entrance fee?
  10. BPearson

    BPearson Well-Known Member

    The museum is open to the public, no charge. We do accept donations as they help pay to keep the doors open. Our memberships are well up from a year ago. Seems folks like and appreciate the changes we are making.
  11. aggie

    aggie Well-Known Member

    Stopped by to see the addition and browse the new displays. Great job! Couldn't leave without watching "The Beginning" again and always look to see if I can spot my grandparents in the Oakmont scenes.
  12. BPearson

    BPearson Well-Known Member

    Love that old movie aggie, too much fun. As good as it is, we think there is an entirely different level we can reach. We've doubled membership this past year, which helps. The Gala is coming up in March and will be another big step in fund raising. One last thing, i will be working there today from 1 to 4 so if you get a chance, stop by, say hi and take a look.
  13. BPearson

    BPearson Well-Known Member

    Awesome news...the Museum will be open Sunday's 1 to 4 pm in February for sure.

    Starting February 2, the Quester's Women's Suffrage Centennial exhibit will be on display in the Museum's new addition. You do not want to miss it.
  14. BPearson

    BPearson Well-Known Member

    The Suffrage exhibit is up in the backroom addition and is a powerful and compelling story. If you get a chance, stop by, it's worth the time. Awesome pictures btw.

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