Ordering LAN Line and Internet

Discussion in 'Sun City General Discussions' started by Julianna, Sep 24, 2019.

  1. Julianna

    Julianna Member

    Hello Everyone,
    I just reread all of the notes regarding internet and just would like to double check...
    at first I thought the majority liked cox but then it seems like a lot of problems too?? (I guess with anything now a days)
    I want to order phone and internet.
    Is cox still the best choice?
    Thank you!
  2. pegmih

    pegmih Well-Known Member

    I have had cox phone, internet, and tv for over 10 years.
    No problems.
    However, recently I stopped tv and got an antenna which works fine for me.
    It gets all the stations I want. 3-5-8-10 and many more.
    It saves me about $40 a month which pays for my cleaning lady!
  3. Julianna

    Julianna Member

    Hi Peggy
    Well ya gotta love that!!!!!
  4. IndependentCynic

    IndependentCynic Well-Known Member

    I'd ask your neighbors. I have friends all over SC... in some areas Century link works best (note: it's not available in some areas in PH3) while in others COX is better. Cost is usually a tossup after the incentive discount expires. Note: CL phone works during power outage (with standard phone) and COX may not -- something to consider for some seniors with certain health issues. Another alternative is cell phone/Internet -- can be very expensive if Internet use is high, may not be as good for streaming Netflix, etc. Almost everyone I know who tried it switched to CL or COX within a year.

    FWIW, I've used CL for Internet for 15+ years here in SC and have had one Internet outage (landscaper weed wacked the cable going into the connection tower in the neighbors yard).

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