Online Abuse is Real

Discussion in 'Sun City General Discussions' started by Josie P, Jul 14, 2024.

  1. carptrash

    carptrash Active Member

    And how is god not being in the Constitution working out for you?
  2. Josie P

    Josie P Well-Known Member

    Can't answer for someone else, however God is at my side 24/7. Just because God is not mentioned in the constitution means nothing. FYI explained that, or did you choose not to read his post. Have you read the Bible?
  3. carptrash

    carptrash Active Member

    So this is sort of a from god's lips to your ear sort of thing? That god is not mentioned in the Constitution means something when someone is claiming that"fact" as part of a discussion. Yes I have read the Bible, the whole book (books?) years ago and used it as a reference as recently as yesterday during a discussion elsewhere. What does the Bible have to do with our discussion?
  4. Josie P

    Josie P Well-Known Member

    You need to take this up with the person you are referring to. I think you need to reread my statement. I was just asking a question. So you can question if someone reads something but I can't? You all can verbally beat the crap out of me all you want but there is not a person on this earth that can make me question my faith.
  5. carptrash

    carptrash Active Member

    I am not questioning your faith, have no desire to verbally or otherwise "beat the crap' out of you, and I believe that I answered your question.
  6. FYI

    FYI Well-Known Member

    First of all, if you're referring to same God that I am, it's God, with a capital G!

    The Declaration of Independence was the justification for breaking away from England along with the 4 references to God or the Creator, later to be followed by the Constitution and Bill of Rights that established our new government. So the Constitution, which was based on the Declaration also "Holds these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal" under the eyes of God!

    To bad we lost the respect for religion in our schools, and we all wonder why we have become a "me-first" society?

    Of course this is just my opinion. Live your own life and beliefs the way you want.
  7. carptrash

    carptrash Active Member

    I have seen little to indicate that folks who believe in your god are any less "me first" than any one else. My god does not need a capital, you do as you like. I. for one, was glad to see Christianity removed from public schools. That has little, if anything, to do with a loss of respect.
  8. FYI

    FYI Well-Known Member

    It has everything to do with respect towards your fellow man!

    Were do you suppose the Golden Rule came from?
  9. carptrash

    carptrash Active Member

    Well about 500 years before Jesus, the buddha said, "Hurt not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful." Why is it that Christians so often seem to feel that morality starts with their teachings? Which is, I believe, what they would teach if allowed in public schools.
  10. FYI

    FYI Well-Known Member

    I don't believe that Christian's think they own a hold on moral values. I think most religions believe in the same moral values except those radicals who will cut off your head or throw homosexuals off of rooftops.

    In fact, I don't think moral values should even be attached to a religion. Good moral values should be the way of life and how we treat our fellow man!

    The beliefs you hold, whether in God or Buddah or whatever or whoever is on you.

    Live your life your own way as I do mine!

    Just my opinion.
  11. Josie P

    Josie P Well-Known Member

    Words to live by.
    FYI likes this.
  12. FYI, a lot to unpack, it's too late at and I have been on the run all day. So I will respond to something as you seem fascinated with the number 4. Must be some mystical something you learned at Our Fathers of the Bloodied Sword or something. Anyway we now have god, actually Yahweh according to ancient Hebrew, four times in the Declaration of Independence. Well, I read this document twice to make sure I didn’t miss anything and lo and behold it is mentioned two times. The first is Nature’s God which to me sounds like an herbal shampoo, but it is prefaced by Laws of Nature. I guess this is some John Locke feel good stuff. The second is Creator, which is subjective. The document was the product of three people, Thomas Jefferson, a deist, John Adams, a flinty New England Protestant and Ben Franklin an atheist.

    Sorry dude, you seem to be the only person pushing this god stuff. It’s cool you believe it but don’t push this Christian Nationalist/Dominionism on me as all this religious stuff is why the Founding Fathers wanted a secular country.

    My copy of the Declaration and Constitution came free from Hillsdale College where that ghastly 1776 project came from. Talk about indoctrination!

    BTW, I was a registered Republican 11 years before I relocated here and while an atheist and a liberal. They were not the loony clowns like out here.
  13. FYI

    FYI Well-Known Member

    1. Nature's God
    2. Endowed by their Creator
    3. Appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world
    4. Protection of Devine Providence

    So...who do you suppose is the Supreme Judge, or who provides the protection of Divine Providence?
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2024
  14. Josie P

    Josie P Well-Known Member

    Believing in God is personal. I find that people I meet who believe on God are more at peace in life. Many recovery programs believe in "a higher power" to help them. My most prized possession is a Rosary made from the roses from my maternal grandmother's funeral. One was made for each of her 7 children, my mom passed it down to me. It's 80+ years old. I use it to pray in public often while waiting for whatever. Hurry up and wait seems to be the rule of thumb. Not one person ever confronts me while praying.
  15. FYI:
    1. The god of plants and animals, not man
    2. My parents
    3. The World Court in The Hague
    4. Divine Providence, what does this mean besides 18th Century bafflegab?

    Laws of a Nation in the Constitution is not used as the name of a book, rather it is the incorporation of maritime law common to what legally know as several nations via precedent because we had no maritime law. Another example is English Common Law, while not specifically mentioned in the Constitution, it was incorporated into our jurisprudence because it was the British system (obviously) but also by precedent. There was no mention of Magna Carta as there were actually several in the ensuing 100+ years of Plantagenet rule. They keep pissing off the Barons which was a bad career move and had to do a rewrite.

    HH, what you do with your juju beads in private or public by yourself is none of my concern. I understand what they mean to as I have personal possessions from my parents and pictures of my grandparents and my maternal great grandmother and my maternal great grandfather’s gold pocket watch and chain, which is currently in a safe deposit box.

    I am at peace due to being brought back from the dead and am no longer afraid of death. I know what you would like to know but not talking as you really have no frame of reference.

    CT, hope to see you in Valhalla someday. Odin!
  16. Josie P

    Josie P Well-Known Member

    Then why respond? Speaking of not responding what about "the dog didn't bark" murder reference #2 being from "Silver Blaze" and not "Hounds of Baskerville". A Study in Scarlet is #3 murder reference and especially gruesome. Three murder refences when responding to me. Police report filed after 1st, yes I have the report number. Called the sergeant I filed the report with yesterday.
  17. carptrash

    carptrash Active Member

    It's a date, but no rush.
  18. FYI

    FYI Well-Known Member

    I'm not going to argue with you regarding the difference between the Law of Nations and the law of nations, only to point out that that treatise on International law didn't just pertain to piracies on the high seas, but too everything from who are citizens and natives as compared to who are simply inhabitants, where you get your citizenship from, all the way to how you treat a non-combatant passing through a war zone!

    In fact, it was a required text book to have at the College of William and Mary in 1830.

    So... just to jerk your chain a little more, as it relates to the eligibility to serve as president, you might want to read Vattel's Chapter XIX, Section 212, to find out what a natural born citizen is, (which Obama wasn't). I can even provide you with copies of the Congressional Globe that documented the arguments during the establishment of the 14th Amendment, or perhaps you would like me to send you the 3 Senate Bills and 6 House Bills from 2003 to 2008 that attempted to change the definition of a Natural Born Citizen because some knew how it effected his candidacy?

    Kinda makes you wonder why there was such a need to change the definition? That's because they all knew EXACTLY what it meant, in real terms, and that's why they attempted to change it! And during that time we found another example of Leftist judicial system when every court challenge was kicked out for some technicality and never heard on its merits.

    The Dem's even went after John McCain when he was running for president because he was born out of Country on a military base.

    Why do you suppose it took until 1924 to finally consider American Indians citizens? Or why do you suppose Article II of the Constitution says, "No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution..." It's because even George Washington wouldn't have been eligible because he was born under English rule! And the American Indians lived under tribal law and not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States! Martin Van Buren was actually the first true natural born citizen to become president.

    Do yourself a favor and buy Vattel's Law of Nations and see what International Law looked like in 1700's. It's about 900 pages. Go for it!

    Happy reading!
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2024
  19. Like to look at this Vattel’s thing but currently wrapped up with the Plantagenets, Europe in the 7th Century, and the Middle East in 1177BC. After that I have the Salem witch trials waiting in the wings with a biography of Grant and a book about Black mental patients forced to build their own asylum in the woods of Maryland. I also want to reread the biography of William Marshall considerate the greatest knight.

    HH, Can I have a copy of the report you filed and the name of the sergeant you spoke with?
  20. Josie P

    Josie P Well-Known Member

    look it up yourself, I am not a servant. still waiting for your acknowledgement regarding 'the dog didn't bark'. It must be really difficult for you to admit you were wrong.
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2024

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