Basis for policy change - Duffyland and Fitness Fans

Discussion in 'Sun City General Discussions' started by jeb, Jun 9, 2024.

  1. jeb

    jeb Well-Known Member

    Disclaimer: I only know what I've heard and read. I by NO means have all the information. Partly due to the RCSC not releasing information...

    Altercations in Duffyland leading to serious "stun gun" incident and the response by Management is to shut the Park down. No notice other than a sign on the gate.

    Altercations, both verbal and physical, between Members about fan speeds led to policy change of removal of remotes and set speed. The whole "we lost remotes" was a big fat lie told by Management to hide the truth.

    So - We have two clear instances of some Members antisocial behavior towards each other leading to decisions to change policy, effectively removing privileges for everyone.

    Anybody in favor of this approach?
    eyesopen and Janet Curry like this.
  2. Janet Curry

    Janet Curry Well-Known Member

    NO! Definitely the wrong way to approach problems. A knee jerk reaction! Then there was the library fiasco..........
    carptrash and eyesopen like this.
  3. John Fast

    John Fast Well-Known Member

    Both Duffeeland and the fans seem to me to be a matter of discipling the members involved and making it known disciplinary action will be taken for any such action. Wouldn't it be better to bring this issue up in an information session get feedback and then make a decision on what the appropriate course of action is. To me this is much easier than trying to hide information and then fabricating a statement after you are caught. We should always strive to make all but very very limited (contract details, personnel matters and litigation) available. It is just the right thing to do.
    Janet Curry, carptrash and eyesopen like this.
  4. FYI

    FYI Well-Known Member

    But isn't that the way of all poor management? When your boss makes up rules to affect all the employees because he's chicken to confront the one person who's causing the problem.
  5. carptrash

    carptrash Active Member

    I can remember as a 12 year old (or thereabouts) running into this issue, "If the person who did this does not own up the class or dorm or 'all the boys' will be punished." I didn't like it then and half a century (or more) now I still don't.
    eyesopen and Janet Curry like this.
  6. CT, you so right fo dat (N’Awlinz talk).
    First, I caught a lot heat for this but I still not have changed my mind. The best way to deal with a problem is to get rid of it. Since acquiring the dog park in c. 2012, it has been nothing but a pain in the ass. Rules, dogs not interfacing correctly, people not interfacing correctly, gates, locks, RCSC employees monitoring, dog club members monitoring, weapons, confrontations and so on. Can somebody tell me in spite of this why we really need this amenity? I say sell it and do a fire sale. Sell it for $1 and other good and valuable consideration. There is bound to be a person or persons who think they can do better, so let them. Besides Ruffy can get just as much exercise during an early morning walk as tangling with Killer in the dog park.

    Fans, is there anything we can be more petty about? If this isn’t insanity then I don’t know what is. Set the fans on medium and if you don’t like it, I understand people are wanting to dump their Peletons now that the pandemic is over. Then you can subscribe to have a person yell at you while you pedal. That should make you feel very Sun City.
  7. Janet Curry

    Janet Curry Well-Known Member

    It's like taking away all drivers' licenses because someone was speeding and got in an accident or closing all schools because one student cheated. Perhaps this is a bit extreme but it follows the same logic.
    carptrash and eyesopen like this.
  8. Josie P

    Josie P Well-Known Member

    One (1) incident with a taser. Ban the one (1) person. Just because you don't like the dog park it should be taken away from all of us that do like it. Go ahead, ask me for my gold wedding band.
  9. HH, as usual you missed the point. It is not a couple of incidents, it is 12 years of non stop bs. Will it stop, no, so why are we putting ourselves through this. It seemed to operate fine when privately held and disaster since RCSC purchased it. What does this tell you, put it back in private hands and let them deal with it. Couldn’t be simpler.

    I don’t give a shit about your wedding band. Give it to RCSC and you can own your very own dog park. Non threatening just trying to take your mind off your constant whining here.

    For the record, I lived with a room mate who owned two dogs and had one when I was married. I like dogs and would own one now but I couldnt care for it properly.
  10. carptrash

    carptrash Active Member

    As one of the people who started the Duffeeland Dog Park Club a decade ago I feel somewhat different and view the "nothing but a pain in the ass" in a slightly different light. However since I am now NOT taking a dog there I am somewhat less concerned. Dog parks are now pretty much a standard item in civilized places across America and it is not quite clear to me why several thousand (non scientific figure) of them manage and we can not.
    Janet Curry and eyesopen like this.
  11. SCR

    SCR Active Member

    It's all about the "I,I, Me, Me, I" mentality of just about everyone today.
  12. jeb

    jeb Well-Known Member

    I doubt I'll get a straight, honest, short answer, but I'll ask anyway: Any one special thing in or about the RCSC that you care about? That makes you especially happy?
    Janet Curry likes this.
  13. jeb

    jeb Well-Known Member

    That's the mentality by a number of people. And everyone's entitled to view life in whatever way they want. BUT - when it manifests itself into antisocial behavior it becomes the society's problem - and it should be addressed. The more we continue to accept, enable, empower, the bad behavior - the more it takes control. I would postulate that only a small percentage of people are really sociopaths. But there is a larger number who are marginal - and the more they see that bad behavior gets results, the more they will lean that way. I don't like the trend.
    Janet Curry and eyesopen like this.
  14. Josie P

    Josie P Well-Known Member

    Simple! Dave doesn't like them! They must go! As I stated in another post 'Dave just try and take my gold wedding band away'.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2024
  15. CT, I was on the Board when the dog park was acquired and for the ensuing three years of my term problems with the dog park were at every exchange and Board meeting, not to mention every Board work session. As far as I can see nothing has changed. This isn’t about what I like or don’t like, it is about a problem that continually sucks the oxygen out of the room year after year. What seemed a good idea in the beginning turned out to be not so. Then there is the question of a conflict of interest by a Board member regarding this transaction.
    Janet Curry and carptrash like this.
  16. Josie P

    Josie P Well-Known Member

    One man's opinion. The only issue I heard about was the taser. Kick the person out. When I went there if anyone saw poop it was picked up. You don't go there so why the fuss. How long ago were you on the board? I would like to watch those videos to see how much oxygen was actually sucked up. Leave those who enjoy the park alone. Stop acting like a mini hitler.
  17. Tom McClain

    Tom McClain Member

    This issue, both Duffy land and Marinette was discussed at the RCSC membership meetings several months ago. Both members of Duffeyland and Marinette got up and related the facts of the situation. RCSC board of directors and management addressed the issues. Why this is coming up now months after the incidents makes no sense. One would surmise that this is simply to stir the pot.
    Janet Curry and old and tired like this.
  18. Josie P

    Josie P Well-Known Member

    Talk to Herr Wieland.
  19. jeb

    jeb Well-Known Member

    7 out of 7 people who spoke at Feb meeting did not like the way Management "addressed" the issue. I read one letter in Independent that did not agree. One person at April meeting does not agree. I don't agree. People responding to this post do not agree with process; they do not agree this process should continue. And then there's the whole issue of information that dribbles out over time. Mr. D'L first spoke of people getting mad and changing dip switches. It wasn't until 3 months later he says "fights". He said on May 13 that it was done. Newspaper article on May 22 says Mr Dirmyer is looking into changes. Not everyone is present when these things are "addressed" and just because Management is prone to knee jerk sweeping policy changes doesn't mean the rest of us shouldn't take the time to think things thru and come up with solutions that perhaps work better. Any of that make sense to you?
    Janet Curry likes this.
  20. carptrash

    carptrash Active Member

    I think this is coming up now because, well history matters.

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