Breaker News or not?

Discussion in 'Sun City General Discussions' started by OneDayAtATime, May 24, 2024.

  1. John Fast

    John Fast Well-Known Member

    I was surprised to hear Director Rough say RCSC is starting its own radio station when members are doing the same thing independently. The crux of the issue appear to be control of all content. Jim who mentioned the Board can't control what an independent radio station might say. Difficult to see how this will work out. RCSC will have to buy the necessary equipment and then employ people to run it. The other group would do it for free.
    Enigma and carptrash like this.
  2. Happy Hippie

    Happy Hippie Well-Known Member

    He said it would an endless loop of the "happenings" in SC for the week. Over and over and over.
  3. John Fast

    John Fast Well-Known Member

    Yes I think he did say it could be this.
  4. Carbondale, IL trying to find a radio station that didn’t suck and TV that wasn’t atrocious. Friends with killer sound systems and record collections to match. I did win an extremely valuable (not known at the time) Beatles album in a card game in the dorm. Didn’t know it was valuable until 20 years later when I saw an article on the 50 most valuable albums to own. I was speechless. The condition isn’t really great but I took it to Zia once to see what they had to say. They asked me how much did I want for it. Sorry not for sale.
    Did take part in student uprising in 1970 in between going to class. Went to Washington, D. C. In 1971 and was sort of arrested, it mostly was a street sweep. Spent 4 days at RFK stadium and then they let us go. No booking no mug shots.

    Kind of miss it.
    carptrash likes this.
  5. carptrash

    carptrash Active Member

    IS doing it for free.
    eyesopen likes this.
  6. carptrash

    carptrash Active Member

    Sounds pretty much like my life. Not arrested, but tear gassed, which is close. Was the Beatle album the Butcher Shop one?
  7. CT, not the butchered baby cover. During the very early days of Beatlemania, everybody wanted more music. This is late 1963/1964. Since the Beatles had not signed yet with Capitol records, it was basically the Wild West finding and issuing albums with the Beatles. A small record company out of Chicago, Vee Jay records, mostly know for Black artists, secured the rights to 4 Beatles songs. Since this was not nearly enough to fill an album, they had just signed an English singer, Frank Ifield. Frank was extremely popular in the UK prior to the Beatles, the company had rights to eight of his songs. Now they had an album.

    To market the album, a pen and ink drawing of the Beatles with a brown background was the cover art with the Beatles in large letters and Frank Ifield in small letters. Not many albums were pressed, I heard around a couple of thousand, as the Beatles signed with Capitol soon afterwards and this album soon faded from memory. This album was pressed later but the cover art has a blue background and is of low value. Mine is kind of worn album cover from being moved around since early 1967, the platter itself is in excellent condition. A mint condition album goes for around $100k, Zia offered me $1k which I declined.

    I have no idea how to send a pic of the album otherwise I would show the album to you. The baby cover I understand is going for similar amounts.

    I won it with 3 duces against a pair of aces.
    carptrash and Janet Curry like this.
  8. carptrash

    carptrash Active Member

    Pretty good hand, I think I have a Beatles Vee Jay album, basically the Please Please Me songs, but i need to check and my albums are . . . ....... hard to get at right now, piled up in a very back corner..
  9. That is on there. I would dig out the album but it is currently a jumble as I inherited my brother’s album including the ones I sold him. He has great early Ozzy.
  10. carptrash

    carptrash Active Member

    The majority of my record collection as well as an even better one of my brother fell heir to some nastiness, but we both have good (opinion) CD collections with just a smattering of albums left. He has all of Moby Grape's albums framed and hanging on his walls, for example. I spend much of my time picking songs off CDs and filing them away for my radio show that will probably never come. Just yesterday I filled up my external hard drive and had to make some adjustments.
  11. CT, tell me that your brother framed the original Moby Grape album. I wanted to buy when I saw but didn’t have the money. The cover was the best. Outside guess here since we are in Boston, any Beacon Street Union albums? The only one I had I lent out and never was returned, same goes for Satanic Majesties Request with the magic picture.
    carptrash likes this.
  12. carptrash

    carptrash Active Member

    I am pretty sure that my bro's Moby Grape has the original cover, as I am pretty sure that my copy does. No Beacon Street Union albums in fact I seem to have missed their entire career. I shall have to check them out.
  13. carptrash

    carptrash Active Member

    Among my various song collections I have a small collection of "clown" tunes. I just discovered that I am missing BSU's "The Clown Died in Marvin Gardens" and "The Clown's Overture." I don't suppose that you have a CD with them on it? In Sun City that is, not Boston.
  14. John Fast

    John Fast Well-Known Member

    Returning from our nostalgic walk down vinyl lane, we find ourselves with two radio station versions. One run by volunteer members that costs the membership nothing and one to be started by RCSC at some significant cost to members. If I had an opinion on this one it would be to delay the inhouse version until we see how the independent station fares.
    Janet Curry likes this.
  15. FYI

    FYI Well-Known Member

    My thoughts exactly! Before they hire somebody special or purchase new equipment, they should see how successful the free version from Mike and Karla will be.

    If it's successful then perhaps they can work out a deal that's beneficial to both parties?

    You gotta just love the way the RCSC has screwed Mike and Karla! NOT!
    eyesopen and Janet Curry like this.
  16. Janet Curry

    Janet Curry Well-Known Member

    I don't recall a radio station being a priority, or even mentioned, on the ASU study or from the SAC report(s).
    eyesopen likes this.
  17. carptrash

    carptrash Active Member

    I don't see why we seem to be viewing the two radio (Internet?) stations as being in competition. Or if they are it is not as if we can't alternate listening. My problem with SCAZ is that it is or seems to be a sort of random selection of songs from a fairly limited play list. What I'd like to see from RCSC, or SCAZ for that matter, is volunteers running rock, blues, jazz, country, classical, pop, R&B, broadway and soundtracks, world music, and whatever else shows at particular times. That would (opinion) afford the listener the best shot at hearing what might interest them.
    eyesopen and Janet Curry like this.
  18. eyesopen

    eyesopen Well-Known Member

    This Update on the original topic of this post, from GM Comments read at Exchange on Monday, June 10, 2024.
    Relevant comments:
    “…And lastly, I want to speak about communications. Communications is a hot topic here, as it should be. Over the last six months, we have rebuilt, expanded, and reorganized our entire communications staff, with the help of our HR Team, Mr. Non-Golf Mike Dirmyer, and Maureen Almazan our Clubs, Activities, and Communications Leader. We have…

    • Carla Young – 25 years TV news editor and producer, with experience in writing, producing, filming, and editing video content, including for YouTube, with experience in using YouTube algorithms.
    • Allen Kleinhans – Education in Computer Science, recording engineering, 40+ years AV design/install, live audio engineering, low voltage wiring, a tireless team member who has been helping us for many years.
    • Doreen Rafferty – 40 years producing, staging, directing, and lighting for live shows, certificates: Color Analysis, Makeup Artistry, and Costume Design, Educator of the Year: Dance Musical Theater, education: Communication & Theater Arts, backup vocalist, video participant, collaborated on work for MTV, Board member for the Theater and Arts Commission, wrote for newspapers, and did voice-overs.
    • Miguel Jackson – Working in television since 2007 (US and Canada), Many live sports productions (NHL, NFL, MLB, ASU), In-house Technical Director for the Arizona Cardinals, 7 years of sound production, set up with TAD Management’s Venue Production Package using 6 cameras and 3 video walls.
    • Aaron DeVandry – experienced Director of Marketing, client and project management skills, communicates effectively with technical, executive and business audiences, web developer/designer, 20 years of experience planning, developing and implementing marketing campaigns, developed 600+ websites, email and social media marketing, online reputation management, SEO aka Search Engine Optimization.
    • Maureen Edwards – singer/vocalist, writer, wrote articles for SunViews and the Sun City Update, experience with musical band with load-ins, set-ups/tear downs and sound checks, etc.
    • And Joelyn Higgins, with her wealth of experience that she is sharing as she moves toward retirement this summer.
    With this great group of talent, I am pleased to announce the new RCSC Media Studio, it is taking shape right here in the SunDial Rec Center, across the breezeway, where the old Mac Lab was, which has recently merged with the computer club at the Fairway Rec Center. This RCSC Media Studio will help us to communicate effectively with the residents of Sun City, and offer a variety of ways for residents to receive information. It is exciting to have the people in place, and a good place for the people to work, collaborate, and create. I will be sharing more details of what is planned in the near future.

    Thank You.


    Source- RCSC Website:

    carptrash likes this.

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