Discussion in 'Sun City General Discussions' started by OneDayAtATime, Mar 29, 2024.

  1. BPearson

    BPearson Well-Known Member

    It's a start on addressing the poor choice, but let's be clear, this action is just a start. They would have been wise to strike a 3-5 year lease and put it to bed with the understanding they would review the utilization data in the last year of the deal. This look's like they didn't want to hurt the GM's standing in the community by completely cutting off his legs as he is just getting started. It could have been so much more impressive by just ending the thing and telling the membership they heard them loudly and clearly.

    I'm not sure why the budget and finance committee would get involved Dave? Your plate is already full and the priority has to be the 5 year reserve study (first) and then the long term PIF projects (10 years or more) plan. The library leases in place now generate nothing and pretending that the space could be converted to club space wouldn't generate any real calculable revenue no matter which clubs got the space.

    We already know the challenges coming with the 2025 5th water management plan from the ADWR. What we don't know is how much that's going to reduce the cash on hand in the PIF account nor do we know how many years the state will allow us to come into full compliance. According to Linda, we're still not sure how well the tuff turf conversion worked on the 9 holes at the North course, apparently they will need to see how the summers heat affects the water usage.

    All of which suggests they will be looking for more money come the 2025 budget projections. Which is exactly why there was no upside fighting over the library unless they thought the County was going to shovel a boatload of money at them in a lease. Increasing fees and reducing amenities is folly and to be clear, our two libraries are amenities and will be going nowhere. Far smarter to have killed this once and for all, because the Monday meeting will still be well attended and potentially heated.

    Back around 2018/2019, i was religiously attending monthly board meetings. There were roughly 20 members in the room with the board, management and staff far outnumbering us. At one of those sessions the general manager asked and received from the board approval for her or her team to be given the authority to make decisions on club space and assignments. I was dumbfounded by the motion and spoke in opposition. I asked why would the board want to abdicate responsibilities they've had for years?

    It was a short conversation with them claiming the clubs office was better suited to make those decisions than the board having to deal with it. It was the last straw for me and simply asked why we even needed the board if the general manager was going to make every decision? I pulled away for several years and then the pandemic hit. It peaked my interest as i started watching online meetings from Sun City West and Sun City Grand (now The Grand) while Sun City languished behind.

    Lots of catching up to do, but i would hope the board creates a committee to review the bylaws and clearly establishes clear criteria the general manager has to follow when it comes to our clubs and amenities. From 2006, we went in the wrong direction and given what has happened in the past week or so, we need to take steps to insure it doesn't happen again.
  2. FYI

    FYI Well-Known Member

    You said it best Bill in an earlier post. I too don't give a crap who they contract to buy their cleaning supplies from, but when it directly affects the Membership, and in this case even the surrounding community, the Members need to be included in the decision.
    Linduska, Janet Curry and eyesopen like this.
  3. eyesopen

    eyesopen Well-Known Member

    In the Sun City Independent story,

    Sue Blechl, president of the Friends, said she felt better after the announcement.

    “It’s a good thing to have a thoughtful discussion, and I think a one-year extension is a start,” she said.

    Blechl said she is meeting with the board and management staff April 3.”

    Full story online.
    Subscriber Exclusive
    Sun City libraries extended for one year
    Current lease being evaluated
    Posted Tuesday, April 2, 2024 4:42 pm
    By Scott Tynes | Independent Newsmedia
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2024
    Mark Yates likes this.
  4. eyesopen

    eyesopen Well-Known Member

    Important message from Sue Blechi
    Friends of the Sun Cities Libraries
    Tuesday night, April 2, 2024

    Read Sue Blechl’s reaction from Facebook post regarding RCSC Statement, extending libraries lease agreement for one year.

    “Hello again from the Friends of the Sun City Libraries.

    STAND BY You may have seen today’s communication indicating the Board ordered RCSC Management to extend both libraries leases by one year while they “evaluate” the leases.

    While we appreciate the RCSC Board of Directors acknowledging the public outcry, and agreeing to a meeting with the Friends, this will not solve the problem.

    RCSC has not been in contact with the Maricopa County Library District (MCLD) at all since the original communication and have no way of knowing if Maricopa County library district would even accept a highly unusual one year lease.

    MCLD invests over 1.1 million of dollars in Sun City libraries every year. That is why their business model is a five-year lease. Does it make good business sense to invest millions of dollars in a location that has indicated they want you out in a year? In other words, OUR LIBRARIES ARE STILL IN DANGER.

    We have two meetings tomorrow; one at 10 and one at 3. Watch for an update either late Wednesday night or Thursday morning.

    So one more time, our libraries are still in danger. Do not stand down.

    Thank you, Sue Blechl President, Friends of the Sun City libraries, Inc.“

    Posted by Marcia Davis https://m.facebook.com/groups/263576482020843/

    On SAVE OUR LIBRARIES website:




    SHOW UP AT THE 4/8/2024 9:00AM
    14801 N 103rd Avenue
    Sun City AZ 85351


    SHARE THIS WEB PAGE: https://saveoursuncitylibraries.weebly.com/
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2024
    Janet Curry likes this.
  5. FYI

    FYI Well-Known Member

    Hello again from the Friends of the Sun City Libraries. STAND BY You may have seen today’s communication indicating the Board ordered RCSC Management to extend both libraries leases by one year while they “evaluate” the leases. While we appreciate the RCSC Board of Directors acknowledging the public outcry, and agreeing to a meeting with the Friends, this will not solve the problem. RCSC has not been in contact with the Maricopa County Library District (MCLD) at all since the original communication and have no way of knowing if Maricopa County library district would even accept a highly unusual one year lease. MCLD invests over 1.1 million of dollars in Sun City libraries every year. That is why their business model is a five-year lease. Does it make good business sense to invest millions of dollars in a location that has indicated they want you out in a year? In other words, OUR LIBRARIES ARE STILL IN DANGER. We have two meetings tomorrow; one at 10 and one at 3. Watch for an update either late Wednesday night or Thursday morning. So one more time, our libraries are still in danger. Do not stand down. Thank you, Sue Blechl President, Friends of the Sun City libraries, Inc.
  6. Bill, my reference on the library situation and B &F was not that we want to get involved in lease negotiations, but rather as something you eluded to regarding some written policy regarding management on important issues and keeping the Board informed and if necessary the committee. I am apparently the drafted volunteer for drafting, cleaning up language for by-laws and policies. I am currently working on BP 24 regarding the CIF what currently is a disaster and whomever drafted really didn’t think it through. Currently written the CIF could not be used deferred maintenance which was one of the reasons the CIF was instituted, consequently the rec fees would have to been raised to the moon metaphorically to cover the $20M. Aren’t you happy to have me around.

    Another thought, why did it take the GM two months to inform the Board about the lease negotiations and closing the libraries? Why didn’t he advise in the beginning what positions he was taking and how the vacated space was to be utilized? Why not give the Board some indications in the interregnum on negotiations? This smells worse than a dead skunk in the middle of the road stinking to high heaven.

    Tom, why have a committee to clean up the bylaws, why not just reintroduce our previous work and pass it. We gave the members everything they requested but a certain vocal group and the Board threw a hissy fit to defeat them. I admit the quorum change was 800 and not 500 but if everyone listened to Alan, he stated that this number was to expedite the passing of nine months work and he would personally introduce a change the following year reducing the quorum to 500. The Board defeated the motion, he had enough of this nonsense and resigned. Those are the facts. By the way, I never said I was the smartest person in Sun City or the world. Jan Ek did say that I was part of a small group that truly understood financial statements and investments also specifically mentioned another member in the same league. So I have a simple request, cut that shit out. Thanks. Also I don’t care about the cost of cleaning supplies unless an employee has watched the movie Buffalo Soldiers. You will know what I mean when you view it.
  7. FYI

    FYI Well-Known Member

    Because your previous work was an absolute disaster! There were duplications, contradictions, things that had no right even being in the bylaws and things that should have been in them that weren't included or addressed!

    I wouldn't be patting myself on the back if I were you. Those bylaws didn't do anybody a favor. First of all, the Chair and Co-Chair had very limited knowledge of proper parliamentary procedure. I would have hoped that somebody who had a better understanding of proper parliamentary procedure would have guided the committee to a more favorable result. They could have at least pointed out some of the issues that needed to be addressed?

    I believe the good people on the committee were simply out-voted by the bad?
  8. Happy Hippie

    Happy Hippie Well-Known Member

    I am sure someone will beat the crap out of me for this. Bill has been saying things have been getting worse since 2006. Does anyone else think it's time for a do-over? It's 2024 and when we think the worst has blown over something else happen. Pull a Musk. Fire them all and start over. Someone said by-laws are not followed anyway. Good Lord people, this was supposed to be the fun place to live until you die. Can't even die here easily now.
  9. Tom, we had a certified parliamentarian who was also an attorney as was the chair. We worked with what we had which was a mess considering Jan Ek incorporated Board policies into the bylaws. She was afraid of losing the lawsuit which was dog shit from the very beginning. We can discuss that point in the future so you can learn a little about civil procedure and class actions. Always willing to help expand your horizons.

    There was a consensus on everything contrary to what Janet Curry says. So I ask you to fill the room with your brilliance and specifically advise what was wrong or is this some revenge thing for you not being chosen for the committee? Force majuere anyone? Et tu Alan?
  10. FYI

    FYI Well-Known Member

    I can do that but this isn't the place. This thread is supposed be about the libraries.

    If you care to start a separate thread on the bylaws I will be more than happy to share my comments.
    eyesopen and Linduska like this.
  11. Happy Hippie

    Happy Hippie Well-Known Member

    Great, add a 2nd Narcissist. Oh well, at least you like each other. It's majeure.
  12. HH, you are correct. I would have looked it up but I am currently using my Black’s Law Dictionary as a bookend. Contrary to what you may believe, I am not a narcissist, but I do have a particular skill set honed over a thirty year career.

    Tom, why do I have to start a thread in re the bylaws as you were the one who stated it was a disaster. You were the one who “dropped the dime” as we say in Chi-town, so put up or shut up since you are not certified as a parliamentarian. You are just a guy with a copy of Robert’s Rules of Order. Nicht wahr?
  13. Happy Hippie

    Happy Hippie Well-Known Member

    Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance.

    Symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder and how severe they are can vary. People with the disorder can:
    • Have an unreasonably high sense of self-importance and require constant, excessive admiration.
    • Feel that they deserve privileges and special treatment.
    • Expect to be recognized as superior even without achievements.
    • Make achievements and talents seem bigger than they are.
    • Be preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate.
    • Believe they are superior to others and can only spend time with or be understood by equally special people.
    • Be critical of and look down on people they feel are not important.
    • Expect special favors and expect other people to do what they want without questioning them.
    • Take advantage of others to get what they want.
    • Have an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others.
    • Be envious of others and believe others envy them.
    • Behave in an arrogant way, brag a lot and come across as conceited.
    • Insist on having the best of everything — for instance, the best car or office.
    At the same time, people with narcissistic personality disorder have trouble handling anything they view as criticism. They can:
    • Become impatient or angry when they don't receive special recognition or treatment.
    • Have major problems interacting with others and easily feel slighted.
    • React with rage or contempt and try to belittle other people to make themselves appear superior.
    • Have difficulty managing their emotions and behavior.
  14. FYI

    FYI Well-Known Member

    I believe my only comment regarding the corporate documents was to not blame them for this bad decision on the libraries.

    You're the one who brought up wanting to reinstate the Ad Hoc committees bylaws.
    Enigma likes this.
  15. OneDayAtATime

    OneDayAtATime Well-Known Member

    Press Releases & Social Media Posts
    April 4, 2024

    Hello from the Friends of the Sun City Libraries,
    The Friends of the Sun City Libraries met with two RCSC Board members (Karen McAdams and Chris Nettesheim) and the General Manager (Matthew D'Luzansky) on Wednesday at 3 o'clock, April 3, 2024. It was a mutually respectful meeting. While we learned a lot that we'll share below, they could not guarantee that our libraries will stay. They specifically asked us to place our trust in them that they would do what's best for the community. They assured us they all loved libraries and wanted a library in Sun City. Here are the highlights:
    1. We requested that they renew the five-year lease for both libraries. They said they want a one year lease to give them time to do a study on both libraries, and see where they fit into the master plan for Sun City. They said one of the reasons they want to complete a master plan and not be tied to a 5 year lease is that perhaps they would find a better, more central location for the library. They said they won't know until they study the plan and do a thorough cost/benefit analysis.
    2. They assured us there was never any intention to close the Bell library, despite the communication MCLD shared with us that indicated sol. The General Manager (GM) assured us it was a miscommunication and that he and the Finance Director are in lease negotiations now for both libraries. However, they were clear that they could not make a promise that the Libraries will remain until they finish their study. Director McAdams was hopeful that that study might be complete within a few months. They also advised us that they are aware that Maricopa County Library District is under no obligation to do a one year lease extension instead of a standard five year contract.
    3. The Board told us that when they were made aware of the plans to close Fairway, the Board directed the General Manager to seek a one year lease extension instead so they could evaluate it further. The Board and the GM were up front in telling us that they are still fine-tuning the responsibilities and decisions that the GM can make with and without board approval.
    4. The Board also assured us that they have never met on the library lease issue prior, and only a few board members had anecdotal knowledge of the lease negotiations that MCLD shared with us. Their first Board meeting on the library was on Tuesday at a special three hour executive session.
    5. Lastly, they said several times how impressed they were on how quickly and passionately the community organized behind the libraries.
    1. While we appreciate the Board and GM taking the time to meet with the Friends and we appreciate their respect for libraries and the need for a master plan for Sun City, because they could not guarantee that the either library will stay open, we are NOT stopping our Save Our Sun City Libraries Campaign until we see our libraries are safe and secure for at least five years.
    2. You will see 100 yard signs in major traffic areas on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, encouraging attendance at the exchange meeting on Monday. Show up and stand tall and share your thoughts. The Board plans to make an opening statement about the libraries to let you know that they heard you.
    Sue Blechl
    President, Friends of the Sun City Libraries, Inc.
    Janet Curry, Tom Trepanier and Enigma like this.
  16. Tom Trepanier

    Tom Trepanier Well-Known Member

    What is the “master plan” mentioned in item 1 under meeting update? Is this same as the 5 year plan? Confusing to say the least.
    Janet Curry likes this.
  17. eyesopen

    eyesopen Well-Known Member

    April 4, 2024
    RCSC board to open discussion on libraries
    Easter holiday delayed response

    Posted Thursday, April 4, 2024
    By Scott Tynes | Independent Newsmedia
    Members of the Recreation Centers of Sun City board of directors and the general manager met with representatives of the Friends of the Sun City Libraries Wednesday to discuss the future of the Bell and Fairway public libraries.
    There’s much more that is online now and likely front page in print edition next week.
    Copywrite prevents posting on ND.
    Janet Curry likes this.
  18. Happy Hippie

    Happy Hippie Well-Known Member

    No worries. It's a secret. We'll find out when they are ready.
    Janet Curry likes this.
  19. Tom Trepanier

    Tom Trepanier Well-Known Member

    Did you mean to say “when it is completed?”
    Janet Curry likes this.
  20. Happy Hippie

    Happy Hippie Well-Known Member

    No, when they are ready to tell us. You know, like the library closing, after the cat was out of the bag.
    Janet Curry likes this.

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