Long Term Ideas

Discussion in 'Sun City General Discussions' started by John Fast, Apr 29, 2024.

  1. eyesopen

    eyesopen Well-Known Member

  2. Janet Curry

    Janet Curry Well-Known Member

    So that you know, I generally "like" a post unless I find it particularly offensive. I do this so that I know which posts I have read and which ones I haven't. Otherwise I find myself scrolling through and reading messages that I have already read.
    Enigma and eyesopen like this.
  3. Happy Hippie

    Happy Hippie Active Member

    Maybe you should rethink that process. And by the way it's MOOT point not MUTE point. Bills post:

    No HH, my exact words were: "no one gives a shit who you are." And to be even more clear, the debate was regarding you being "doxed" when i used your first name only, "Josie." If you are going to quote me, please get it right. Thank you.

    BPearson, Apr 9, 2024Report
    FYI and eyesopen like this.

    I have mentioned Josie on here, but i have no idea if that is even your real name. Beyond that who knows or cares what your last name is or even might be.

    BPearson, Dec 20, 2023Report
    Janet Curry likes this
    Janet Curry likes this.
  4. eyesopen

    eyesopen Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the explanation…
    even though it hasn’t interfered with
    member participation.
    Respect it works for you! :)
    Janet Curry likes this.
  5. Janet Curry

    Janet Curry Well-Known Member

    Or you can just accept how I operate. Thanks for correction.
    eyesopen likes this.
  6. Happy Hippie

    Happy Hippie Active Member

    It's your decision to like/not like hate speech. Everything happens for a reason. Now I understand you agree with Bill. I get that Dave thinks a good percentage of our population is obtuse at best and wouldn’t 7nderstand non-profits if Big Bird came down and explained it. They will be happy to know that I'm sure. I understand how deep the double standards go among the little inner circle here in Sun City and others will be aware soon as well. I understand that Chris and Dave think my husband and I are suicidal, engage in domestic abuse and sadomasochism. BTW Chris I still have the print screen where you doxed yourself. I can show you if you like.

    It's like this gang. This started up between myself and Bill. Had you all been adult like in any way shape or form you should have just left us alone. But you didn't. You all must think he is not capable of standing up for himself. He probably would say he could. I am not sure if you all are like a pack of blood thirsty hyenas or if Bill has some strange hold over you all. Don't know but it sure seems like your lips are superglued to his butt.

    Alas you did not leave well enough alone, and formed what is called a mob.

    You see "mobbing" is a type of workplace bullying where a group of employees target a single person, often starting with a leader and a victim. (Bill/Me) The leader can be a manager, co-worker, or subordinate who rallies others into "mob-like" behavior toward the victim. Victims can be from a lower socio-economic background, or may be viewed as different in some way, such as their race or gender. Mobbing can lead to a hostile work environment and decreased productivity. While this isn't a work environment, unlike Dave, I believe you all are smart enough to get it.

    This has been a real revelation regarding the innerworkings of the RCSC Board. There are a lot of things you all don't understand, but that's a MOOT point right now.
    Last edited: May 16, 2024
  7. eyesopen

    eyesopen Well-Known Member

    Similar or…? Examples

    Understanding Mobbing in the Workplace: Strategies for Prevention and Intervention
    By Helena Jezkova
    Customary Attribution


    Article: Mobbing usually starts with two individuals, a ‘leader’ and a victim.

    HH: You see "mobbing" is a type of workplace bullying where a group of employees target a single person, often starting with a leader and a victim. (Bill/Me)

    • Article: Mobbing is a form of workplace bullying where multiple employees gang up, literally forming a ‘mob’, to target a particular individual

    HH:The leader can be a manager, co-worker, or subordinate who rallies others into "mob-like" behavior toward the victim.

    • Article: Victims can often be from a lower socio-economic background, or may be viewed as different in some way, for example their race or gender,

    HH: Victims can be from a lower socio-economic background, or may be viewed as different in some way, such as their race or gender.
  8. Happy Hippie

    Happy Hippie Active Member

    There is no end to your childish ignorance. Someone I have been speaking with on and off today told me about the term. I looked it up. I copied it. I pasted it. My underwear is blue and I am wearing rainbow clogs. I also have on a red t-shirt and dark grey shorts. I do not dye my hair because I have very few greys for my age. You're envious because I don't have to color my hair right?

    Anything else, just ask away!

    Dang! Forgot to say thanks for adding to my collection!
    Last edited: May 16, 2024
  9. Happy Hippie

    Happy Hippie Active Member

    I'm sorry. I didn't realize there were memory issues. As a general rule after reading the first few words a light should come on or something. Roaming the halls of the hospitals for as long as I did I always had to help people find their way. To be expected here.
  10. Janet Curry

    Janet Curry Well-Known Member

    See, John, this post doesn't deserve a response because this person doesn't know me, yet makes "assumptions" about my memory. I take no ownership of her accusation because it doesn't apply. I have the memory of a typical 73 year old. Also, no need to "take her remarks personally". It's about her, not me.
    Enigma and eyesopen like this.
  11. Happy Hippie

    Happy Hippie Active Member

    See John!! Look what I found!

    I think I have this figured out. I just have to speak your language. Somewhere between toddler and Forest Gump. All of you on here.

    Did you forger about how well you knew me a long time ago on Facebook Janet, or did this slip your mind.

    Josie PetersenSun City
    Top contributor · March 11 ·
    Feeling fed up. Just read the Independent. No decision on our dog park. One serious incident, the rest are people not picking up poop. If our RCSC Board cannot make a simple decision on our dog park, how will they ever fix the $20 million deferred maintenance issues? Don't let the bad guy back in and pick up poop, even if not your dog's

    Janet Curry
    Top contributor
    Josie, I think you are always “fed up”. Sad way to live, never acknowledging the positives in life.

    Janet Curry
    Top contributor
    Josie Petersen I deciphered eight negative comments in your post- 1) lack of quorum, 2) no one cares, 3) people are tired, 4) friend's home been on the market for 700 days, 5) sis can't sell her home, 6) nothing left here, 7) everything good in Surprise, [​IMG] Del Webb rolling over in his grave. Only positive statement was bragging about your former job. And you don't think you come off as negative?

    Josie Petersen
    Top contributor
    Janet Curry About Sun City?? YES! I agree with you 100%! This place has changed and not for the better. Take off the rose colored glasses. I am very much down on Sun City, and again we will be starting over with 5 new board members...according to Chris. Now Janet tell me the positives of the things I mentioned. What is good about it taking 700 days to sell a home. or no one bothering to go to a member meeting. You tell me the positives of all the things I mentioned. None of which were about anything other than Sun City. And I did love my job, not bragging. We had doctors, lawyers, business owners who were still active in their profession on our boards. It was a pleasure and an honor to work with them.

    And on you went with all your work experience. Blah, blah 3 or 4 paragraphs. Yes Janet I am negative about Sun City. I said it on March 11 and still am. So AGAIN it's OK for you to judge me not ever meeting me but you are aghast at what I said. Do you remember this post? I sure did. I spoke my truth then as I always do. You people have set a whole new bar for double standards. It's Gang Bang Style.
  12. Janet Curry

    Janet Curry Well-Known Member

    "Progress, not perfection" applies to me, too.
  13. Happy Hippie

    Happy Hippie Active Member

    Just checking to be sure I understand. If you had followed your own advice in your response to John on my thread "Nothing really changes" BTW which was addressed to no one:

    "When someone takes a verbal swing at you, evaluate whether it is accurate. If it is, take ownership, make amends if needed, and try to do better next time. If it really is about their biases and doesn't apply to you, just let it pass by you like the wind and don't take any ownership of it. Hope that helps!"

    you should not have said "Josie, I think you are always “fed up”. Sad way to live, never acknowledging the positives in life." BTW yes I am fed up with SC as I have stated many times. As far as the rest of my life are you stalking me? Have we known each other in person ever??? What things to I do in my life? What church do I attend? Do I golf? Did you even read my response on FB? I did NOT swing back.

    So still doing the same as you did in March is progress. I understand.
    Janet Curry likes this.
  14. Happy Hippie

    Happy Hippie Active Member

    Chris I was online today from about 5:30am to about 6:15am. Would you like a list of websites?
  15. Janet Curry

    Janet Curry Well-Known Member

    So, I agree that I shouldn't have said what I did in March. Progress, not perfection.
  16. Happy Hippie

    Happy Hippie Active Member

    Actually it really doesn't matter because not a soul on this site gets it. Maybe Dave was right. You say progress but what do they say about doing the same thing over and over again? Nothing changes, just like my post says. I did not stand an ice cube's chance in hell here. The original issue was with me and Bill, but you all like the angry mob you are, attacked me on behalf of him. I said nothing to ANY of you until you went on the warpath towards me. Maybe he really is a big baby who needs people to fight his battles. This whole goat rope may actually help a friend's son who is doing some research.

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